An open label, non-randomized study assessing a prebiotic fiber intervention in a small cohort of Parkinson's disease participants.
Hall, DA, Voigt, RM, Cantu-Jungles, TM, Hamaker, B, Engen, PA, Shaikh, M, Raeisi, S, Green, SJ, Naqib, A, Forsyth, CB, et al
Nature communications. 2023;14(1):926
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Risk determinants for Parkinson’s disease (PD) include both genetic and environmental factors. Whether sporadic or monogenetic in origin, environmental factors may be critical in triggering PD onset in a susceptible host or influencing disease progression. The aims of this study were to determine whether prebiotic fibres can increase short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) production in PD patient microbiota and (2) determine which prebiotics modify the microbiota and increase SCFA using a stool fermentation system. Results showed that 10 days of prebiotic intervention was both well-tolerated and safe in PD patients and decreased total gastrointestinal symptom severity score in treated PD participants. The prebiotic intervention was also associated with anti-inflammatory shifts in the intestinal microbiota, increased SCFA, reduced calprotectin (intestinal inflammation), reduced zonulin (a putative marker of intestinal barrier dysfunction/ inflammation), and a subtle, but statistically significant, reduction in neurofilament light (a marker of neurodegeneration). Authors concluded that a SCFA-promoting prebiotic fibre mixture can be used to modulate the intestinal microbiota in PD patients (i.e., the approach is feasible) and that the prebiotic mixture is well-accepted, tolerated, and safe for use in PD patients.
A pro-inflammatory intestinal microbiome is characteristic of Parkinson's disease (PD). Prebiotic fibers change the microbiome and this study sought to understand the utility of prebiotic fibers for use in PD patients. The first experiments demonstrate that fermentation of PD patient stool with prebiotic fibers increased the production of beneficial metabolites (short chain fatty acids, SCFA) and changed the microbiota demonstrating the capacity of PD microbiota to respond favorably to prebiotics. Subsequently, an open-label, non-randomized study was conducted in newly diagnosed, non-medicated (n = 10) and treated PD participants (n = 10) wherein the impact of 10 days of prebiotic intervention was evaluated. Outcomes demonstrate that the prebiotic intervention was well tolerated (primary outcome) and safe (secondary outcome) in PD participants and was associated with beneficial biological changes in the microbiota, SCFA, inflammation, and neurofilament light chain. Exploratory analyses indicate effects on clinically relevant outcomes. This proof-of-concept study offers the scientific rationale for placebo-controlled trials using prebiotic fibers in PD patients. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04512599.
Host-diet-gut microbiome interactions influence human energy balance: a randomized clinical trial.
Corbin, KD, Carnero, EA, Dirks, B, Igudesman, D, Yi, F, Marcus, A, Davis, TL, Pratley, RE, Rittmann, BE, Krajmalnik-Brown, R, et al
Nature communications. 2023;14(1):3161
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Composition of the human gut microbiome has been shown to be associated with chronic diseases such as obesity, however whether they have a causal effect in disease development or whether microbiota composition is a direct result of the disease is unclear. This randomised control trial of 17 individuals aimed to determine the effects of a diet designed to modulate the gut microbiome (MBD) on human energy balance compared to a typical Western style diet (WD). The MBD diet maximised fibre, resistant starch, and limited processed foods and resulted in a significant decrease in the amount of energy produced by individuals compared to the WD. It was also shown that the MBD increased the microbial composition and decreased nutrient breakdown. It was concluded that the MBD increased the amount of gut bacteria and altered the amount of energy produced by individuals on this diet. This study could be used by healthcare practitioners to understand that composition of the gut microbiome can affect the amount of energy gained from food. Diets high in fibre, starch and low in processed foods, which promote microbial diversity may help individuals to lose weight.
The gut microbiome is emerging as a key modulator of human energy balance. Prior studies in humans lacked the environmental and dietary controls and precision required to quantitatively evaluate the contributions of the gut microbiome. Using a Microbiome Enhancer Diet (MBD) designed to deliver more dietary substrates to the colon and therefore modulate the gut microbiome, we quantified microbial and host contributions to human energy balance in a controlled feeding study with a randomized crossover design in young, healthy, weight stable males and females (NCT02939703). In a metabolic ward where the environment was strictly controlled, we measured energy intake, energy expenditure, and energy output (fecal and urinary). The primary endpoint was the within-participant difference in host metabolizable energy between experimental conditions [Control, Western Diet (WD) vs. MBD]. The secondary endpoints were enteroendocrine hormones, hunger/satiety, and food intake. Here we show that, compared to the WD, the MBD leads to an additional 116 ± 56 kcals (P < 0.0001) lost in feces daily and thus, lower metabolizable energy for the host (89.5 ± 0.73%; range 84.2-96.1% on the MBD vs. 95.4 ± 0.21%; range 94.1-97.0% on the WD; P < 0.0001) without changes in energy expenditure, hunger/satiety or food intake (P > 0.05). Microbial 16S rRNA gene copy number (a surrogate of biomass) increases (P < 0.0001), beta-diversity changes (whole genome shotgun sequencing; P = 0.02), and fermentation products increase (P < 0.01) on an MBD as compared to a WD along with significant changes in the host enteroendocrine system (P < 0.0001). The substantial interindividual variability in metabolizable energy on the MBD is explained in part by fecal SCFAs and biomass. Our results reveal the complex host-diet-microbiome interplay that modulates energy balance.
Calorie restriction improves metabolic state independently of gut microbiome composition: a randomized dietary intervention trial.
Sowah, SA, Milanese, A, Schübel, R, Wirbel, J, Kartal, E, Johnson, TS, Hirche, F, Grafetstätter, M, Nonnenmacher, T, Kirsten, R, et al
Genome medicine. 2022;14(1):30
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Obesity is an important risk factor for chronic diseases. Aside from well-established mechanisms such as obesity-induced inflammation, alterations in sugar and lipid metabolism, and steroid hormone signalling, imbalances in the composition of the gut microbiome have also been linked to the progression of obesity and its cardio-metabolic sequelae. The aim of this study was to investigate whether intermittent calorie restriction (ICR) (operationalised as the 5:2 diet) or continuous calorie restriction (CCR) induced alterations in the gut microbiome, and to which extent these were associated with overall weight loss irrespective of the dietary intervention in overweight or obese adults. This study was conducted using data and samples of the HELENA trial which was a parallel-arm randomised controlled trial. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups, i.e., an ICR (n = 49), a CCR (n = 49), or a control group (n = 52) over a 50-week period in a 1:1:1 ratio. Results showed that the type of calorie restriction or the amount of weight lost were not accompanied by substantial and consistent shifts in gut microbiome composition or the abundance of individual bacterial taxa. Authors conclude that moderate ICR or CCR interventions as well as an overall moderate weight loss induced by calorie restriction (irrespective of which form) may not be associated with significant changes in the gut microbiome of overweight and obese adults, notwithstanding observed metabolic improvements.
BACKGROUND The gut microbiota has been suggested to play a significant role in the development of overweight and obesity. However, the effects of calorie restriction on gut microbiota of overweight and obese adults, especially over longer durations, are largely unexplored. METHODS Here, we longitudinally analyzed the effects of intermittent calorie restriction (ICR) operationalized as the 5:2 diet versus continuous calorie restriction (CCR) on fecal microbiota of 147 overweight or obese adults in a 50-week parallel-arm randomized controlled trial, the HELENA Trial. The primary outcome of the trial was the differential effects of ICR versus CCR on gene expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Changes in the gut microbiome, which are the focus of this publication, were defined as exploratory endpoint of the trial. The trial comprised a 12-week intervention period, a 12-week maintenance period, and a final follow-up period of 26 weeks. RESULTS Both diets resulted in ~5% weight loss. However, except for Lactobacillales being enriched after ICR, post-intervention microbiome composition did not significantly differ between groups. Overall weight loss was associated with significant metabolic improvements, but not with changes in the gut microbiome. Nonetheless, the abundance of the Dorea genus at baseline was moderately predictive of subsequent weight loss (AUROC of 0.74 for distinguishing the highest versus lowest weight loss quartiles). Despite the lack of consistent intervention effects on microbiome composition, significant study group-independent co-variation between gut bacterial families and metabolic biomarkers, anthropometric measures, and dietary composition was detectable. Our analysis in particular revealed associations between insulin sensitivity (HOMA-IR) and Akkermansiaceae, Christensenellaceae, and Tanerellaceae. It also suggests the possibility of a beneficial modulation of the latter two intestinal taxa by a diet high in vegetables and fiber, and low in processed meat. CONCLUSIONS Overall, our results suggest that the gut microbiome remains stable and highly individual-specific under dietary calorie restriction. TRIAL REGISTRATION The trial, including the present microbiome component, was prospectively registered at ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02449148 on May 20, 2015.
Naturalization of the microbiota developmental trajectory of Cesarean-born neonates after vaginal seeding.
Song, SJ, Wang, J, Martino, C, Jiang, L, Thompson, WK, Shenhav, L, McDonald, D, Marotz, C, Harris, PR, Hernandez, CD, et al
Med (New York, N.Y.). 2021;2(8):951-964.e5
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Studies on model organisms show that foetal development can be modulated by microbial products from the pregnant mother’s microbiota, and early colonisation is critical for immune system development. However, natural transmission and colonisation of maternal microbes is impaired by caesarean section (CS) delivery. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of restoring exposure to maternal vaginal fluids after CS birth. This study is a large observational study of 177 infants born to 174 mothers. Physicians assessed healthy mothers who were set to deliver vaginally or by scheduled CS. Results demonstrate that microbial differences associated with delivery mode can be reduced by exposure to a vaginal microbial source at birth. In fact, birth mode significantly differentiated infant gut and skin microbiome development, and that seeding worked to adjust the trajectory of CS-delivered infants through partial restoration of microbiome features associated with a vaginal delivery. Authors conclude that restoring natural exposures at birth may be one way to reduce the risk of CS-associated diseases such as obesity, asthma, allergies, and immune disfunctions. However, randomised clinical trials on large cohorts are needed to gain conclusive evidence for microbial restoration at birth improving health outcomes.
BACKGROUND Early microbiota perturbations are associated with disorders that involve immunological underpinnings. Cesarean section (CS)-born babies show altered microbiota development in relation to babies born vaginally. Here we present the first statistically powered longitudinal study to determine the effect of restoring exposure to maternal vaginal fluids after CS birth. METHODS Using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, we followed the microbial trajectories of multiple body sites in 177 babies over the first year of life; 98 were born vaginally, and 79 were born by CS, of whom 30 were swabbed with a maternal vaginal gauze right after birth. FINDINGS Compositional tensor factorization analysis confirmed that microbiota trajectories of exposed CS-born babies aligned more closely with that of vaginally born babies. Interestingly, the majority of amplicon sequence variants from maternal vaginal microbiomes on the day of birth were shared with other maternal sites, in contrast to non-pregnant women from the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) study. CONCLUSIONS The results of this observational study prompt urgent randomized clinical trials to test whether microbial restoration reduces the increased disease risk associated with CS birth and the underlying mechanisms. It also provides evidence of the pluripotential nature of maternal vaginal fluids to provide pioneer bacterial colonizers for the newborn body sites. This is the first study showing long-term naturalization of the microbiota of CS-born infants by restoring microbial exposure at birth. FUNDING C&D, Emch Fund, CIFAR, Chilean CONICYT and SOCHIPE, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Emerald Foundation, NIH, National Institute of Justice, Janssen.
Walnuts and Vegetable Oils Containing Oleic Acid Differentially Affect the Gut Microbiota and Associations with Cardiovascular Risk Factors: Follow-up of a Randomized, Controlled, Feeding Trial in Adults at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease.
Tindall, AM, McLimans, CJ, Petersen, KS, Kris-Etherton, PM, Lamendella, R
The Journal of nutrition. 2020;150(4):806-817
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Recent evidence suggests that microbes present in the gut may have a role in the risk of heart disease development. Walnuts have in previous studies shown to be of benefit for cardiovascular health and gut microbes are thought to be the mediator of this. This secondary analysis of a randomised control trial aimed to assess diets which differentiated in walnut composition on the species diversity of gut microbes and heart disease risk in 46 individuals with obesity over an 18-week period. The results showed that a diet of walnuts and the fats they contain enriched the microbes present in the gut compared to a Western-style diet. Interestingly, a whole walnut diet showed enrichment of a species that is better able to break down and use the components of walnuts compared to a diet where only the walnut fats were present. When on a diet rich in walnuts, an increase in a species of gut bacteria related to improved heart disease risk factors was observed. It was concluded that the positive effects of walnuts on gut bacteria and heart disease risk are due to the fibre and bioactive compounds, not simply the fats they contain. This study could be used by health care professionals to recommend the inclusion of whole walnuts into the diet of individuals with obesity to enrich gut bacteria that are involved in reducing heart disease risk.
BACKGROUND It is unclear whether the favorable effects of walnuts on the gut microbiota are attributable to the fatty acids, including α-linolenic acid (ALA), and/or the bioactive compounds and fiber. OBJECTIVE This study examined between-diet gut bacterial differences in individuals at increased cardiovascular risk following diets that replace SFAs with walnuts or vegetable oils. METHODS Forty-two adults at cardiovascular risk were included in a randomized, crossover, controlled-feeding trial that provided a 2-wk standard Western diet (SWD) run-in and three 6-wk isocaloric study diets: a diet containing whole walnuts (WD; 57-99 g/d walnuts; 2.7% ALA), a fatty acid-matched diet devoid of walnuts (walnut fatty acid-matched diet; WFMD; 2.6% ALA), and a diet replacing ALA with oleic acid without walnuts (oleic acid replaces ALA diet; ORAD; 0.4% ALA). Fecal samples were collected following the run-in and study diets to assess gut microbiota with 16S rRNA sequencing and Qiime2 for amplicon sequence variant picking. RESULTS Subjects had elevated BMI (30 ± 1 kg/m2), blood pressure (121 ± 2/77 ± 1 mmHg), and LDL cholesterol (120 ± 5 mg/dL). Following the WD, Roseburia [relative abundance (RA) = 4.2%, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) = 4], Eubacterium eligensgroup (RA = 1.4%, LDA = 4), LachnospiraceaeUCG001 (RA = 1.2%, LDA = 3.2), Lachnospiraceae UCG004 (RA = 1.0%, LDA = 3), and Leuconostocaceae (RA = 0.03%, LDA = 2.8) were most abundant relative to taxa in the SWD (P ≤ 0.05 for all). The WD was also enriched in Gordonibacter relative to the WFMD. Roseburia (3.6%, LDA = 4) and Eubacterium eligensgroup (RA = 1.5%, LDA = 3.4) were abundant following the WFMD, and Clostridialesvadin BB60group (RA = 0.3%, LDA = 2) and gutmetagenome (RA = 0.2%, LDA = 2) were most abundant following the ORAD relative to the SWD (P ≤ 0.05 for all). Lachnospiraceae were inversely correlated with blood pressure and lipid/lipoprotein measurements following the WD. CONCLUSIONS The results indicate similar enrichment of Roseburia following the WD and WFMD, which could be explained by the fatty acid composition. Gordonibacter enrichment and the inverse association between Lachnospiraceae and cardiovascular risk factors following the WD suggest that the gut microbiota may contribute to the health benefits of walnut consumption in adults at cardiovascular risk. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02210767.
Reductions in anti-inflammatory gut bacteria are associated with depression in a sample of young adults.
Liu, RT, Rowan-Nash, AD, Sheehan, AE, Walsh, RFL, Sanzari, CM, Korry, BJ, Belenky, P
Brain, behavior, and immunity. 2020;88:308-324
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Alterations to the gut microbiota may be associated with depression and anxiety disorders through a pathway known as the gut-brain axis. Inflammation may be the mediator between the two, as individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) have reported high levels of inflammation, which the gut microbiota may have the capacity to protect against. This observational study of the gut microbiota of 90 young adults with MDD and 47 healthy controls aimed to determine the relationship between inflammatory gut microbiota and symptoms of depression. The results showed changes to several species of gut microbiota in those with MDD and that the level of change was related to MDD symptom severity. These changes were observed even in those taking psychotropic medications. Changes at the taxonomic level indicated that those with higher symptoms of depression had more pronounced differences compared with healthy controls. Although the observed differences were indicative of an inflammatory microbiome, no changes were observed in blood markers of inflammation between those individuals with MDD and healthy controls. It was concluded that the gut microbiome of individuals with MDD was different from healthy individuals in favour of an inflammatory environment. This study could be used by healthcare professionals to understand that the status of the gut microbiota may be an important measure in individuals with MDD and that a treatment plan to ensure gut health is considered may help with symptoms of depression.
We assessed the gut microbiota of 90 American young adults, comparing 43 participants with major depressive disorder (MDD) and 47 healthy controls, and found that the MDD subjects had significantly different gut microbiota compared to the healthy controls at multiple taxonomic levels. At the phylum level, participants with MDD had lower levels of Firmicutes and higher levels of Bacteroidetes, with similar trends in the at the class (Clostridia and Bacteroidia) and order (Clostridiales and Bacteroidales) levels. At the genus level, the MDD group had lower levels of Faecalibacterium and other related members of the family Ruminococcaceae, which was also reduced relative to healthy controls. Additionally, the class Gammaproteobacteria and genus Flavonifractor were enriched in participants with MDD. Accordingly, predicted functional differences between the two groups include a reduced abundance of short-chain fatty acid production pathways in the MDD group. We also demonstrated that the magnitude of taxonomic changes was associated with the severity of depressive symptoms in many cases, and that most changes were present regardless of whether depressed participants were taking psychotropic medications. Overall, our results support a link between MDD and lower levels of anti-inflammatory, butyrate-producing bacteria, and may support a connection between the gut microbiota and the chronic, low-grade inflammation often observed in MDD patients.
Broccoli consumption affects the human gastrointestinal microbiota.
Kaczmarek, JL, Liu, X, Charron, CS, Novotny, JA, Jeffery, EH, Seifried, HE, Ross, SA, Miller, MJ, Swanson, KS, Holscher, HD
The Journal of nutritional biochemistry. 2019;63:27-34
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Diet affects metabolic and gastrointestinal diseases, with the microbiome considered to be a mediating factor. Broccoli is a good source of fibre and phytochemicals including glucosinolates. The aim of this investigator-blinded, controlled feeding, randomised, crossover study was to evaluate the effects of broccoli on the composition and function of the microbiome. 18 healthy adults received 200 g cooked broccoli and 20 g raw daikon radish per day for 18 days in addition to a controlled, brassica-free diet or the same diet without the broccoli and daikon radish, with a 24-day washout period. A statistically significant increase in the ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes was observed following the broccoli intervention. When stratified by BMI above or below 25, this increase was only seen in those with a lower BMI whilst those with a higher BMI displayed a decrease in the ratio, although the latter was not statistically significant. In those with the lower BMI, there was also a correlation between the changes in the microbiota composition and glucosinolate metabolites. It was predicted that the involved changes would affect the functions of the endocrine system, transport and catabolism and energy metabolism. The authors concluded that eating broccoli may affect both the composition and the function of the microbiome.
Expert Review
Conflicts of interest:
Take Home Message:
- Broccoli consumption at dosages of 200g per day were shown to change the composition of gastrointestinal microbiota, increasing Bacteroidetes and decreasing Firmicutes, and impact their function
- The observed results were strongest in those with a BMI of less than 26
- While interesting, the study only included 18 participants and therefore the results should be further confirmed.
Evidence Category:
A: Meta-analyses, position-stands, randomized-controlled trials (RCTs)
B: Systematic reviews including RCTs of limited number
C: Non-randomized trials, observational studies, narrative reviews
D: Case-reports, evidence-based clinical findings
E: Opinion piece, other
Summary Review:
There is growing evidence linking dysbiosis of the gastrointestinal microbiota and diet-induced gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases. Both long-term and acute dietary changes, fasting, eating frequency, and consumption of specific fibres and food phytochemicals play a role in shaping the composition and function of the microbiota, although evidence is lacking for specific foods. This study aimed to determine the impact of broccoli intake on the number of bacterial strains and their functional capacity.
This was a single-blind, randomised, crossover, complete feeding intervention. Study participants were healthy adults (n=18, females =10). Participants were requested to not eat Brassica vegetables for 3 weeks before the start of the study.
Subjects participated in two 18-day diet periods separated by a 24-hour washout, during which breakfast and dinner were consumed on site to observe compliance. The control diet was prepared using traditional American foods, excluding all Brassica vegetables. During the broccoli intervention period, participants consumed the same base diet with the addition of 200g of broccoli.
Faecal samples were collected on day 1, and day 16. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction was performed on bacterial strains. On day 17, time series plasma sampling and 24-hour urine collection was done.
There was no difference in alpha diversity (a measure of microbiome diversity within a sample) between the two treatment periods. This indicates that no bacterial species were extinguished by broccoli treatment. Beta diversity analysis (a measure of the (dis)similarity between samples) indicated that bacterial communities were impacted by treatment (P=0.03).
After broccoli consumption, Bacteroidetes increased by 10% (P =0.03), while Firmicutes decreased by 8% (P=0.05). Overall the ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes increased by 37% (P=0.01) versus a 5% decrease in the control period. The Bacteroides genus increased by 6% (P=0.02) versus a 2% decrease in the control period.
Interestingly, the effects were most strong in those with a lower BMI (< 26 kg/m2) who had an increase in metabolites after broccoli consumption. Algorithms to predict the function of the microbiota showed that broccoli increased endocrine (P=0.05), energy metabolism (P=0.01), transport and catabolism (P=0.04) pathways.
Broccoli intake, at 200g daily, changes the composition and potentially impacts the function of the gut microbiota.
Clinical practice applications:
- Studies like this allow practitioners to focus on specific foods in specific quantities to positively alter the microbiota and their function
- Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, are an important group as they contain fibre and phytonutrients such as glucosinolates. These compounds can be metabolised by the microbiota into active compounds with health benefits. This study has shown the bidirectional benefit of broccoli consumption in that it can positively impact the function and composition of the microbiota
- Interestingly, the results in this small study were driven by participants with a BMI of less than 26. Sub-group analysis found no statistically significant relationships in participants with BMI >26
- It is worth noting that it is possible that the addition of 5g of fibre from the broccoli is also contributing to the changes observed.
Considerations for future research:
- Larger, controlled feeding studies that isolate specific foods to identify their effects on the microbiota are needed
- Genetic sequencing for only a few bacterial myrosinases has been completed and therefore future studies should aim to assess the metabolic capabilities in faecal samples such as myrosinase activity
- While this study and others have shown changes in the types of bacteria after cruciferous vegetable consumption the consistency of results has been mixed potentially due to differing study designs and treatment dosages. Further studies to clarify and confirm these results would be beneficial
- To assess the function of the microbiota a predictive algorithm was used. This requires experimental confirmation by such methods as metabolite profiling and whole genome shotgun sequencing.
The human gastrointestinal microbiota is increasingly linked to health outcomes; however, our understanding of how specific foods alter the microbiota is limited. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli are a good source of dietary fiber and phytonutrients, including glucosinolates, which can be metabolized by gastrointestinal microbes. This study aimed to determine the impact of broccoli consumption on the gastrointestinal microbiota of healthy adults. A controlled feeding, randomized, crossover study consisting of two 18-day treatment periods separated by a 24-day washout was conducted in healthy adults (n=18). Participants were fed at weight maintenance with the intervention period diet including 200 g of cooked broccoli and 20 g of raw daikon radish per day. Fecal samples were collected at baseline and at the end of each treatment period for microbial analysis. Beta diversity analysis indicated that bacterial communities were impacted by treatment (P=.03). Broccoli consumption decreased the relative abundance of Firmicutes by 9% compared to control (P=.05), increased the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes by 10% compared to control (P=.03) and increased Bacteroides by 8% relative to control (P=.02). Furthermore, the effects were strongest among participants with body mass index <26 kg/m2, and within this group, there were associations between bacterial relative abundance and glucosinolate metabolites. Functional prediction revealed that broccoli consumption increased the pathways involved in the functions of the endocrine system (P=.05), transport and catabolism (P=.04), and energy metabolism (P=.01). These results reveal that broccoli consumption affects the composition and function of the human gastrointestinal microbiota.
Functional variants in the sucrase-isomaltase gene associate with increased risk of irritable bowel syndrome.
Henström, M, Diekmann, L, Bonfiglio, F, Hadizadeh, F, Kuech, EM, von Köckritz-Blickwede, M, Thingholm, LB, Zheng, T, Assadi, G, Dierks, C, et al
Gut. 2018;67(2):263-270
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Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (CSID) is a genetic disorder which results in a lower ability to digest certain sugars, resulting in diarrhoea, abdominal pain and bloating, which are also common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The objective of this study was to test sucrase-isomaltase (SI) gene variants for their potential relevance in IBS. The researchers looked at genetics in several populations with and without IBS. The researchers found that genetic mutations are associated with a 35% reduction in the activity of the SI enzymes. CSID mutations were almost twice as common in IBS patients than healthy controls. The genetic variant 15Phe was associated with diarrhoea, stool frequency and changes in the gut bacteria. The authors concluded that people with SI gene variants associated with reduced enzyme activity are more at risk of IBS. Genetic screening could help to identify individuals at increased risk of IBS, and may lead to more targeted treatment for some people with IBS.
OBJECTIVE IBS is a common gut disorder of uncertain pathogenesis. Among other factors, genetics and certain foods are proposed to contribute. Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (CSID) is a rare genetic form of disaccharide malabsorption characterised by diarrhoea, abdominal pain and bloating, which are features common to IBS. We tested sucrase-isomaltase (SI) gene variants for their potential relevance in IBS. DESIGN We sequenced SI exons in seven familial cases, and screened four CSID mutations (p.Val557Gly, p.Gly1073Asp, p.Arg1124Ter and p.Phe1745Cys) and a common SI coding polymorphism (p.Val15Phe) in a multicentre cohort of 1887 cases and controls. We studied the effect of the 15Val to 15Phe substitution on SI function in vitro. We analysed p.Val15Phe genotype in relation to IBS status, stool frequency and faecal microbiota composition in 250 individuals from the general population. RESULTS CSID mutations were more common in patients than asymptomatic controls (p=0.074; OR=1.84) and Exome Aggregation Consortium reference sequenced individuals (p=0.020; OR=1.57). 15Phe was detected in 6/7 sequenced familial cases, and increased IBS risk in case-control and population-based cohorts, with best evidence for diarrhoea phenotypes (combined p=0.00012; OR=1.36). In the population-based sample, 15Phe allele dosage correlated with stool frequency (p=0.026) and Parabacteroides faecal microbiota abundance (p=0.0024). The SI protein with 15Phe exhibited 35% reduced enzymatic activity in vitro compared with 15Val (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS SI gene variants coding for disaccharidases with defective or reduced enzymatic activity predispose to IBS. This may help the identification of individuals at risk, and contribute to personalising treatment options in a subset of patients.
Gut microbiota associations with common diseases and prescription medications in a population-based cohort.
Jackson, MA, Verdi, S, Maxan, ME, Shin, CM, Zierer, J, Bowyer, RCE, Martin, T, Williams, FMK, Menni, C, Bell, JT, et al
Nature communications. 2018;9(1):2655
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The human gut microbiome has been associated with many health and disease states. Our knowledge is growing in relation to the abundance of particular bacteria and certain diseases, as well as the effects of certain medications on the profile of the gut microbiome. This population based cohort study using the UKTwins data set aimed to assess the associations between 38 common diseases and 51 prescription medications with the gut microbiome. 17 diseases had significant associations with at least one microbiota marker, including Type 2 diabetes, constipation, IBS, IBD, Coeliac Disease, food allergy, urinary incontinence, acne and osteoarthritis. Reduced microbiota diversity was found to be the most significant factor for disease states, having exclusively negative effects. Few associations were found for anxiety, respiratory diseases and hypercholesterolaemia. Significant associations were observed between 19 medications and the gut microbiome, including PPIs, antibiotics, paracetamol, opioids, SSRIs, and inhaled anticholinergics. The authors conclude that a complex mixture of disease and medication-specific effects are responsible for the observed microbiota associations.
The human gut microbiome has been associated with many health factors but variability between studies limits exploration of effects between them. Gut microbiota profiles are available for >2700 members of the deeply phenotyped TwinsUK cohort, providing a uniform platform for such comparisons. Here, we present gut microbiota association analyses for 38 common diseases and 51 medications within the cohort. We describe several novel associations, highlight associations common across multiple diseases, and determine which diseases and medications have the greatest association with the gut microbiota. These results provide a reference for future studies of the gut microbiome and its role in human health.
Gut microbiota varies by opioid use, circulating leptin and oxytocin in African American men with diabetes and high burden of chronic disease.
Barengolts, E, Green, SJ, Eisenberg, Y, Akbar, A, Reddivari, B, Layden, BT, Dugas, L, Chlipala, G
PloS one. 2018;13(3):e0194171
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Obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) can lead to alterations of the composition of the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota, in turn, has been suggested to play a role in the development of psychological conditions, such as anxiety, depression and drug addiction. This cross-sectional study included 99 mostly overweight/obese African American men, with or without T2D, and with or without opioid addiction and other psychiatric disorders. The aim of the study was to determine, whether the gut microbiota composition was linked to T2D and the use of opioids in these patients. Furthermore, the researchers looked at the associations between leptin and oxytocin levels in the blood and the gut microbiota, and whether these hormone biomarkers could be indicative of obesity and psychosocial behaviour, such as opioid addiction. The authors found that some bacterial species in the gut were affected by T2D, diabetes medication and opioid use in the studied subjects. A relationship was also observed between leptin and oxytocin levels and the abundance of certain bacteria in the gut in subjects without T2D. The authors conclude that targeting the gut microbiota could be used for the management of T2D and associated psychiatric disorders. However, more studies are needed to provide further understanding of the connections between the gut microbiota and the brain.
OBJECTIVE The gut microbiota is known to be related to type 2 diabetes (T2D), psychiatric conditions, and opioid use. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that variability in gut microbiota in T2D is associated with psycho-metabolic health. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted among African American men (AAM) (n = 99) that were outpatients at a Chicago VA Medical Center. The main outcome measures included fecal microbiota ecology (by 16S rRNA gene sequencing), psychiatric disorders including opioid use, and circulating leptin and oxytocin as representative hormone biomarkers for obesity and psychological pro-social behavior. RESULTS The study subjects had prevalent overweight/obesity (78%), T2D (50%) and co-morbid psychiatric (65%) and opioid use (45%) disorders. In the analysis of microbiota, the data showed interactions of opioids, T2D and metformin with Bifidobacterium and Prevotella genera. The differential analysis of Bifidobacterium stratified by opioids, T2D and metformin, showed significant interactions among these factors indicating that the effect of one factor was changed by the other (FDR-adjusted p [q] < 0.01). In addition, the pair-wise comparison showed that participants with T2D not taking metformin had a significant 6.74 log2 fold increase in Bifidobacterium in opioid users as compared to non-users (q = 2.2 x 10-8). Since metformin was not included in this pair-wise comparison, the significant 'q' suggested association of opioid use with Bifidobacterium abundance. The differences in Bifidobacterium abundance could possibly be explained by opioids acting as organic cation transporter 1 (OCT1) inhibitors. Analysis stratified by lower and higher leptin and oxytocin (divided by the 50th percentile) in the subgroup without T2D showed lower Dialister in High-Leptin vs. Low-Leptin (p = 0.03). Contrary, the opposite was shown for oxytocin, higher Dialister in High-Oxytocin vs. Low-Oxytocin (p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS The study demonstrated for the first time that Bifidobacterium and Prevotella abundance was affected by interactions of T2D, metformin and opioid use. Also, in subjects without T2D Dialister abundance varied according to circulating leptin and oxytocin.