Oral hygiene and COVID-19 is there a link? with Dr. Victoria Sampson
EMS is one of the leading manufacturers of precision medical devices for dental prophylaxis, orthopaedics, and urology.
Dr. Victoria Sampson is an award-winning functional dentist whose findings have been published in both the British Dental Journal and Nature in April 2020. Through her work, she unveils the staggering statistics that link poor oral health and gum disease to increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and severe Covid-19 development. Through this interview, we learn how periodontal disease causes systemic inflammation, producing high levels of inflammatory markers which are also elevated in Covid-19 and cardiovascular disease.
The Brain Gut Microbiome Axis (BGM) w/ Dr. Emeran Mayer | MGC. Ep. 32
Dr. Emeran Mayer is the author of the recently released book The Gut-Immune Connection as well as The Mind-Gut Connection. He has studied brain-body interactions for the last forty years and is the executive director of the G. Oppenheimer Center for Neurobiology of Stress and Resilience, and the founding director of the UCLA Brain Gut Microbiome Center at the University of California at Los Angeles.
In this episode of the Mind Gut Conversation, Dr Mayer discusses IBS pathophysiology with Jana Hoffman from Mahana Therapeutics. They dive into the topic of the Brain-Gut-Microbiome axis, discussing how each emotional state can trigger a unique plethora of physical symptoms e.g. Depression is associated with specific patterns, such as slow transit, lower bowel peristalsis activity, poor digestion and constipation, while anxiety seems to be causing the opposite kind of physical symptoms. They also discuss how Covid-19 is having a strong psychological impact on people and therefore on their gastrointestinal system.