The Neuropathology of Gluten-Related Neurological Disorders: A Systematic Review.
Rouvroye, MD, Zis, P, Van Dam, AM, Rozemuller, AJM, Bouma, G, Hadjivassiliou, M
Nutrients. 2020;12(3)
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Coeliac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder triggered by the ingestion of gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. A wide range of extraintestinal manifestations has been attributed to CD, changing the classic perception of a disease limited to the intestine, to a multisystem disorder. The aim of this study was to analyse the published neuropathology of confirmed cases of gluten-related neurological dysfunction to aid our understanding of the pathogenesis. CD can therefore manifest with dental problems, consequences of malabsorption, skin and neurological disorders. This study is a systematic review of thirty-two neurological disorder focused studies. Results show that: - the neuropathological findings in gluten-related neurological disorders are widespread and not limited to the cerebellum. - the pathology is immune mediated and not related to vitamin or trace elements deficiencies. - the pathophysiology of neurological damage in the context of gluten sensitivity has an immune mediated basis. - more gluten-related neurological disorders affected men (57%), which was even higher in the ataxia group (76%). - transglutaminase 6 antibodies might be helpful in the diagnostic workup of gluten-related neurological disorders. Authors conclude that the current evidence is suggestive of both humoral and cell-mediated immunological responses. Further research is required to investigate the underlying neuropathological mechanism by characterisation of the inflammatory cell infiltrate and identification of target epitopes.
Gluten-related neurological disorders (GRND) represent a spectrum of neurological manifestations that are triggered by gluten. In coeliac disease, a T-cell mediated enteropathy is triggered by gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. The underlying pathological mechanism of the neurological dysfunction is not yet clear. The aim of this review is to collate existing neuropathological findings in GRND as a means of aiding the understanding of the pathophysiology. A systematic search of the Pubmed Database yielded 188 articles, of which 32 were included, containing 98 eligible cases with a description of pathological findings in GRND. In gluten ataxia, loss of Purkinje cells, atrophy, gliosis and astrocytosis were apparent, as well as diffuse lymphocytic infiltration and perivascular cuffing with lymphocytes. In patients with large-fiber neuropathy, nerve biopsies revealed axonopathy, loss of myelinated fibers and focal and perivascular infiltration by inflammatory cells. Inflammatory infiltrate was also observed in muscle in myopathy and in cerebrum of patients with encephalopathy and patients with epilepsy. Such changes were not seen in skin biopsies from patients with small fiber neuropathies. The findings from this systematic review suggest an immune mediated pathogenesis for GRND. Future research should focus on the characterization of the inflammatory cell infiltrates and identifying target epitopes.
How Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Progresses: The Natural History of ME/CFS.
Nacul, L, O'Boyle, S, Palla, L, Nacul, FE, Mudie, K, Kingdon, CC, Cliff, JM, Clark, TG, Dockrell, HM, Lacerda, EM
Frontiers in neurology. 2020;11:826
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A good understanding of the disease course is vital not only for the design of preventative and intervention studies, but also to assess the timing and type of intervention that minimizes disease risk or optimizes prognosis. The aim of this review was to explore the long-term course of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and how presentation and pathophysiological abnormalities may vary with time. Literature shows that it is unknown how the initial host response to a stressor or insult compares in individuals who do or do not develop typical symptoms of ME/CFS. However, the return to good health, following exposure to mild or moderate levels of insult, seems to be impeded in ME/CFS when symptoms persist for longer than 3–6 months. Authors sought to provide a simple framework, similar to those of other chronic diseases, in an effort to extend the temporal perception of ME/CFS and better incorporate the less defined pre-illness stages of the disease. In fact, they conclude that by applying this framework to ME/CFS research efforts could better elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms of the disease and identify potential therapeutic targets at distinct stages.
We propose a framework for understanding and interpreting the pathophysiology of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) that considers wider determinants of health and long-term temporal variation in pathophysiological features and disease phenotype throughout the natural history of the disease. As in other chronic diseases, ME/CFS evolves through different stages, from asymptomatic predisposition, progressing to a prodromal stage, and then to symptomatic disease. Disease incidence depends on genetic makeup and environment factors, the exposure to singular or repeated insults, and the nature of the host response. In people who develop ME/CFS, normal homeostatic processes in response to adverse insults may be replaced by aberrant responses leading to dysfunctional states. Thus, the predominantly neuro-immune manifestations, underlined by a hyper-metabolic state, that characterize early disease, may be followed by various processes leading to multi-systemic abnormalities and related symptoms. This abnormal state and the effects of a range of mediators such as products of oxidative and nitrosamine stress, may lead to progressive cell and metabolic dysfunction culminating in a hypometabolic state with low energy production. These processes do not seem to happen uniformly; although a spiraling of progressive inter-related and self-sustaining abnormalities may ensue, reversion to states of milder abnormalities is possible if the host is able to restate responses to improve homeostatic equilibrium. With time variation in disease presentation, no single ME/CFS case description, set of diagnostic criteria, or molecular feature is currently representative of all patients at different disease stages. While acknowledging its limitations due to the incomplete research evidence, we suggest the proposed framework may support future research design and health care interventions for people with ME/CFS.
Effect of ultra-processed diet on gut microbiota and thus its role in neurodegenerative diseases.
Martínez Leo, EE, Segura Campos, MR
Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.). 2020;71:110609
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The consumption of ultra-processed foods has increased dramatically in recent years, resulting in an overconsumption of foods that are nutritionally only suitable to be consumed occasionally. Prolonged and short-term dietary modifications can affect the composition and diversity of the gut microbiota and in turn, dysregulation of the gut microbiota may be associated with diseases of the brain. This systematic review study aimed to determine the relationship between diets high in ultra-processed foods, gut microbiota dysregulation and how this may influence early development of brain diseases. The authors first reviewed literature surrounding the role of gut microbiota on health owing to their ability to produce signalling molecules that have various functions around the body. An imbalance in the gut microbiota can result in an overproduction of signalling molecules that contribute to an unhealthy state. These signalling molecules can also act on the brain through several ways such as the nervous, circulatory, and immune systems. The review demonstrates that high fat, high sugar diets are related to increased risk for diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and that diets high in fibre, are related to a low incidence of brain disorders, but as very few studies have looked at this in relation to gut microbiota relationships are only speculative. It was concluded that gut microbiota dysregulation could act as a clinical indicator between brain diseases and ultra-processed foods, however further studies are needed on the relationship between diet, gut microbiota and brain diseases.
The current dietary pattern is characterized by high consumption of ultra-processed foods and lower consumption of fiber and vegetables, environmental factors that are associated directly with the current incidence of chronic metabolic diseases. Diet is an environmental factor that influences the diversity and functionality of the gut microbiota, where dietary changes have a direct action on their homeostasis. The environment created in the gut by ultra-processed foods, a hallmark of the Western diet that are recognized as trigger factors for low-grade systemic inflammatory and oxidative changes, favor the development of neurodegenerative diseases (NDs). From a systematic search, the present review analyzes the relationship and effect of the current feeding pattern, with the dysregulation of the microbiota and its influence on the development of cognitive decline. Because diagnosis of NDs is usually at late stages, this review highlights the importance of a search for stricter public health strategies regarding access to and development of ultra-processed foods.
Current Perspectives on Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis and Depression.
Capuco, A, Urits, I, Hasoon, J, Chun, R, Gerald, B, Wang, JK, Kassem, H, Ngo, AL, Abd-Elsayed, A, Simopoulos, T, et al
Advances in therapy. 2020;37(4):1328-1346
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The gut microbiome has been implicated in several neurological disorders; however exact mechanisms are still not fully understood. This review of recent studies, aimed to investigate the relationship between an imbalanced gut microbiome and depression. The authors first looked at the epidemiology of disease, concluding that significant burden needs to be assessed through improved preventative measures. This will depend upon the correct identification of risk factors, and the study focused on the role of the gut microbiome in this through animal and human studies. Imbalances in inflammation through altered gut microbiota, depleted biodiversity and stress induced microbiome changes were all implicated in the development of depression. It was concluded that studies on the role of microbiota in depression remain promising but are small and follow many different methodologies. This study could be used by healthcare professionals to better understand the role of gut microbiota in the development of depression and that ensuring a healthy gut may improve symptoms.
The human gut microbiome partakes in a bidirectional communication pathway with the central nervous system (CNS), named the microbiota-gut-brain axis. The microbiota-gut-brain axis is believed to modulate various central processes through the vagus nerve as well as production of microbial metabolites and immune mediators which trigger changes in neurotransmission, neuroinflammation, and behavior. Little is understood about the utilization of microbiome manipulation to treat disease. Though studies exploring the role of the microbiome in various disease processes have shown promise, mechanisms remain unclear and evidence-based treatments for most illnesses have not yet been developed. The animal studies reviewed here offer an excellent array of basic science research that continues to clarify mechanisms by which the microbiome may affect mental health. More evidence is needed, particularly as it relates to translating this work to human subjects. The studies presented in this paper largely demonstrate encouraging results in the treatment of depression. Limitations include small sample sizes and heterogeneous methodology. The exact mechanism by which the gut microbiota causes or alters neuropsychiatric disease states is not fully understood. In this review, we focus on recent studies investigating the relationship between gut microbiome dysbiosis and the pathogenesis of depression. This article is based on previously conducted studies and does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
Mental Disorders Linked to Crosstalk between The Gut Microbiome and The Brain.
Choi, TY, Choi, YP, Koo, JW
Experimental neurobiology. 2020;29(6):403-416
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The gut microbiome may have a role in regular brain function and mental health and this review paper aimed to determine the mechanisms through which this may be possible. There are several mental health disorders that may be affected by the gut microbiome, major depressive disorder (MDD), anxiety disorder, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and addiction. It appears that there is a correlation between a disordered gut microbiome (known as dysbiosis) and MDD, ASD and addiction. Anxiety symptoms in healthy individuals and cognitive deficits in individuals with AD have reportedly been improved with probiotics. How the gut microbiome communicates with the brain was also discussed with the enteric nervous system, vagus nerve, spinal chord, immune system and brain signalling molecules all being implicated as possible routes. Finally, the paper discussed the use of probiotics for the prevention or treatment of mental disorders, with Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus and specifically L. reuteri, L. plantarum and L. helveticus all shown in animal models to improve aspects associated with mental disorders. Amongst the human research B. longum has been shown to relieve stress and increase cognitive function in healthy individuals. It was concluded that studies have elucidated a relationship between the gut microbiome and mental health through various routes of communication. Research should focus on how gut microbiome changes are involved in mental illness. This study could be used by healthcare professionals to further knowledge on the potential relationship between the gut microbiome and mental health.
Often called the second brain, the gut communicates extensively with the brain and vice versa. The conversation between these two organs affects a variety of physiological mechanisms that are associated with our mental health. Over the past decade, a growing body of evidence has suggested that the gut microbiome builds a unique ecosystem inside the gastrointestinal tract to maintain the homeostasis and that compositional changes in the gut microbiome are highly correlated with several mental disorders. There are ongoing efforts to treat or prevent mental disorders by regulating the gut microbiome using probiotics. These attempts are based on the seminal findings that probiotics can control the gut microbiome and affect mental conditions. However, some issues have yet to be conclusively addressed, especially the causality between the gut microbiome and mental disorders. In this review, we focus on the mechanisms by which the gut microbiome affects mental health and diseases. Furthermore, we discuss the potential use of probiotics as therapeutic agents for psychiatric disorders.
Bacterial Metabolites of Human Gut Microbiota Correlating with Depression.
Averina, OV, Zorkina, YA, Yunes, RA, Kovtun, AS, Ushakova, VM, Morozova, AY, Kostyuk, GP, Danilenko, VN, Chekhonin, VP
International journal of molecular sciences. 2020;21(23)
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Depression is multifactorial disease and it is the most common type of psychiatric disorder. Literature indicates that there are significant differences between the gut microbiota (GM) of patients with depression and healthy controls. The aim of this review was to examine (a) various low-molecular compounds as potential biomarkers of depression in correlation with the metabolism of the GM, and (b) ways to correct the microbiota imbalance. Results show that: - the use of the GM biomarkers, reflecting the neuromodulatory [the process by which nervous activity is regulated through classes of neurotransmitters], immunomodulatory [the process by which the body’s immune system is altered] and antioxidant statuses of the host organism, in the analysis of metagenomic [the study of a collection of genetic material (genomes) from a mixed community of organisms] data from patients with neuropsychiatric diseases, is gaining currency. - diet remains one of the most effective measures that can be taken to restore the microbial balance in the gut and alleviate the symptoms of depression. - a healthy diet during the depression therapy, along with the application of probiotics and psychobiotics, may potentially improve the course of the disease and contribute to the progress of treatment. Authors conclude that further progress in the practical understanding of the role of the GM in depression will greatly depend on correct planning of future metagenomic studies.
Depression is a global threat to mental health that affects around 264 million people worldwide. Despite the considerable evolution in our understanding of the pathophysiology of depression, no reliable biomarkers that have contributed to objective diagnoses and clinical therapy currently exist. The discovery of the microbiota-gut-brain axis induced scientists to study the role of gut microbiota (GM) in the pathogenesis of depression. Over the last decade, many of studies were conducted in this field. The productions of metabolites and compounds with neuroactive and immunomodulatory properties among mechanisms such as the mediating effects of the GM on the brain, have been identified. This comprehensive review was focused on low molecular weight compounds implicated in depression as potential products of the GM. The other possible mechanisms of GM involvement in depression were presented, as well as changes in the composition of the microbiota of patients with depression. In conclusion, the therapeutic potential of functional foods and psychobiotics in relieving depression were considered. The described biomarkers associated with GM could potentially enhance the diagnostic criteria for depressive disorders in clinical practice and represent a potential future diagnostic tool based on metagenomic technologies for assessing the development of depressive disorders.
The Role of Bacteria and Its Derived Metabolites in Chronic Pain and Depression: Recent Findings and Research Progress.
Li, S, Hua, D, Wang, Q, Yang, L, Wang, X, Luo, A, Yang, C
The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology. 2020;23(1):26-41
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Depression is closely associated with chronic pain yet the connection between these comorbidities is ambiguous. Recent studies have shown alterations in the gut microbiome may contribute to cognitive dysfunction via the microbiota-gut-brain axis. The aim of this systematic review is to summarize the existing evidence of the role of the gut microbiome in chronic pain and depression and explore potential mechanisms of gut dysbiosis in the development of these conditions. This review found metabolic products from the gut microbiota can mediate neuro-inflammation and neuro-immunity pathways in pain and depression, and that dysbiosis in the gut may contribute to the cause of chronic pain and depression. The authors conclude the metabolic products from the gut bacteria offer new insights to the connection between the gut microbiota and mechanisms of pain and depression, while showing potential as a therapeutic target.
BACKGROUND Chronic pain is frequently comorbid with depression in clinical practice. Recently, alterations in gut microbiota and metabolites derived therefrom have been found to potentially contribute to abnormal behaviors and cognitive dysfunction via the "microbiota-gut-brain" axis. METHODS PubMed was searched and we selected relevant studies before October 1, 2019. The search keyword string included "pain OR chronic pain" AND "gut microbiota OR metabolites"; "depression OR depressive disorder" AND "gut microbiota OR metabolites". We also searched the reference lists of key articles manually. RESULTS This review systematically summarized the recent evidence of gut microbiota and metabolites in chronic pain and depression in animal and human studies. The results showed the pathogenesis and therapeutics of chronic pain and depression might be partially due to gut microbiota dysbiosis. Importantly, bacteria-derived metabolites, including short-chain fatty acids, tryptophan-derived metabolites, and secondary bile acids, offer new insights into the potential linkage between key triggers in gut microbiota and potential mechanisms of depression. CONCLUSION Studying gut microbiota and its metabolites has contributed to the understanding of comorbidity of chronic pain and depression. Consequently, modulating dietary structures or supplementation of specific bacteria may be an available strategy for treating chronic pain and depression.
Reductions in anti-inflammatory gut bacteria are associated with depression in a sample of young adults.
Liu, RT, Rowan-Nash, AD, Sheehan, AE, Walsh, RFL, Sanzari, CM, Korry, BJ, Belenky, P
Brain, behavior, and immunity. 2020;88:308-324
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Alterations to the gut microbiota may be associated with depression and anxiety disorders through a pathway known as the gut-brain axis. Inflammation may be the mediator between the two, as individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) have reported high levels of inflammation, which the gut microbiota may have the capacity to protect against. This observational study of the gut microbiota of 90 young adults with MDD and 47 healthy controls aimed to determine the relationship between inflammatory gut microbiota and symptoms of depression. The results showed changes to several species of gut microbiota in those with MDD and that the level of change was related to MDD symptom severity. These changes were observed even in those taking psychotropic medications. Changes at the taxonomic level indicated that those with higher symptoms of depression had more pronounced differences compared with healthy controls. Although the observed differences were indicative of an inflammatory microbiome, no changes were observed in blood markers of inflammation between those individuals with MDD and healthy controls. It was concluded that the gut microbiome of individuals with MDD was different from healthy individuals in favour of an inflammatory environment. This study could be used by healthcare professionals to understand that the status of the gut microbiota may be an important measure in individuals with MDD and that a treatment plan to ensure gut health is considered may help with symptoms of depression.
We assessed the gut microbiota of 90 American young adults, comparing 43 participants with major depressive disorder (MDD) and 47 healthy controls, and found that the MDD subjects had significantly different gut microbiota compared to the healthy controls at multiple taxonomic levels. At the phylum level, participants with MDD had lower levels of Firmicutes and higher levels of Bacteroidetes, with similar trends in the at the class (Clostridia and Bacteroidia) and order (Clostridiales and Bacteroidales) levels. At the genus level, the MDD group had lower levels of Faecalibacterium and other related members of the family Ruminococcaceae, which was also reduced relative to healthy controls. Additionally, the class Gammaproteobacteria and genus Flavonifractor were enriched in participants with MDD. Accordingly, predicted functional differences between the two groups include a reduced abundance of short-chain fatty acid production pathways in the MDD group. We also demonstrated that the magnitude of taxonomic changes was associated with the severity of depressive symptoms in many cases, and that most changes were present regardless of whether depressed participants were taking psychotropic medications. Overall, our results support a link between MDD and lower levels of anti-inflammatory, butyrate-producing bacteria, and may support a connection between the gut microbiota and the chronic, low-grade inflammation often observed in MDD patients.
Brown Adipose Crosstalk in Tissue Plasticity and Human Metabolism.
Scheele, C, Wolfrum, C
Endocrine reviews. 2020;41(1)
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Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is an important contributor to the regulation of metabolism via cellular communication with organs such as liver, muscle, gut and central nervous system. BAT is important for heat generation and is at high levels in human infants. Levels of activation of BAT decline as we age and it has been shown that the amount of BAT is smaller and its activity reduced in those with obesity and type 2 diabetes. To date, there is no answer to efficiently restore functional BAT in aging and obese subjects. This review looks at experiments done on the factors secreted from active BAT (batokines). The review aims to provide a structure for the processes and cell types involved in BAT and the recent findings of BAT whole-body communication are discussed. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that BAT has an adaptive capacity. Studying batokines, offers an alternative approach to identify novel drug targets for metabolic regulation.
Infants rely on brown adipose tissue (BAT) as a primary source of thermogenesis. In some adult humans, residuals of brown adipose tissue are adjacent to the central nervous system and acute activation increases metabolic rate. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) recruitment occurs during cold acclimation and includes secretion of factors, known as batokines, which target several different cell types within BAT, and promote adipogenesis, angiogenesis, immune cell interactions, and neurite outgrowth. All these processes seem to act in concert to promote an adapted BAT. Recent studies have also provided exciting data on whole body metabolic regulation with a broad spectrum of mechanisms involving BAT crosstalk with liver, skeletal muscle, and gut as well as the central nervous system. These widespread interactions might reflect the property of BAT of switching between an active thermogenic state where energy is highly consumed and drained from the circulation, and the passive thermoneutral state, where energy consumption is turned off. (Endocrine Reviews 41: XXX - XXX, 2020).
Using psychoneuroimmunity against COVID-19.
Kim, SW, Su, KP
Brain, behavior, and immunity. 2020;87:4-5
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This viewpoint article raises awareness of the threat of COVID-19 poses to psychiatric patients who are in mental health hospitals. Those patients appear to have a much elevated mortality rate and are potentially more vulnerable to the effects of panic/anxiety due to the pandemic. Their lifestyle choices, influenced by fears about the virus, may also have a negative effect on their immunity. The article also raises the issue of the effects the pandemic and associated changes to day-to-day life can have on the mental and general health of the rest of the population, and in particular to mental health professionals, whose ability to care for their psychiatric patients may be impaired. The authors also briefly discuss the psychological and immunological mechanisms that connect our mental state to the ability of our immune system to fight infections, and the impact of our lifestyles and environments. To summarise they state that infected patients, uninfected quarantined individuals and medical professionals all require mental health supporting strategies, and that epidemiological studies of potential long-term psychiatric consequences are essential.
The worldwide outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) raises concerns of widespread panic and anxiety in individuals subjected to the real or perceived threat of the virus. Compared to general populations, patients who are institutionalized in a closed unit are also very vulnerable to COVID-19 infection and complications. This crisis touched on difficult issues of not only psychiatric care and ethics, but also psychological impacts to psychiatric care givers. In this Viewpoint, we address both physical and biopsychosocial aspects of this infection, as well as the psychoneuroimmunity of preventive strategies of healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, balanced nutrition, quality sleep and a strong connection with people. Social distancing and wearing masks might help us from pathogen exposure, yet such these measures also prevent us from expressing compassion and friendliness. Therefore, all forms of psychological support should be routinely implemented not only to consider psychological resilience but also to enhance psychoneuroimmunity against COVID-19.