The Specific Carbohydrate Diet and Diet Modification as Induction Therapy for Pediatric Crohn's Disease: A Randomized Diet Controlled Trial.
Suskind, DL, Lee, D, Kim, YM, Wahbeh, G, Singh, N, Braly, K, Nuding, M, Nicora, CD, Purvine, SO, Lipton, MS, et al
Nutrients. 2020;12(12)
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Crohn’s disease is a painful chronic lifelong condition where the digestive tract gets inflamed. Environmental insults and gut microbial changes may contribute to immune dysregulation by activating and upregulating the immune system in Crohn’s disease. During this single-centre, randomised, double-blind, diet-controlled study, ten male active Crohn's disease patients aged seven to eighteen were randomly assigned to either a specific carbohydrate diet, a modified specific carbohydrate diet, or a whole food diet. All diet groups showed a reduction in symptoms, inflammation, and a positive change in the gut microbial composition after 12 weeks, depending on the degree of variability in the dietary regimen. Based on the results of this study, an exclusionary diet eliminating grains, sugar, dairy, and processed foods may have a positive impact on reducing Crohn's disease symptoms, inflammation, and improving gut microbial composition and biochemical markers. In the future, robust studies with a larger sample size will be needed to figure out better dietary strategies for Crohn's disease. Healthcare professionals can, however, use these results to identify dietary choices that can reduce Crohn's disease symptoms.
BACKGROUND Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory intestinal disorder associated with intestinal dysbiosis. Diet modulates the intestinal microbiome and therefore has a therapeutic potential. The aim of this study is to determine the potential efficacy of three versions of the specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) in active Crohn's Disease. METHODS 18 patients with mild/moderate CD (PCDAI 15-45) aged 7 to 18 years were enrolled. Patients were randomized to either SCD, modified SCD(MSCD) or whole foods (WF) diet. Patients were evaluated at baseline, 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks. PCDAI, inflammatory labs and multi-omics evaluations were assessed. RESULTS Mean age was 14.3 ± 2.9 years. At week 12, all participants (n = 10) who completed the study achieved clinical remission. The C-reactive protein decreased from 1.3 ± 0.7 at enrollment to 0.9 ± 0.5 at 12 weeks in the SCD group. In the MSCD group, the CRP decreased from 1.6 ± 1.1 at enrollment to 0.7 ± 0.1 at 12 weeks. In the WF group, the CRP decreased from 3.9 ± 4.3 at enrollment to 1.6 ± 1.3 at 12 weeks. In addition, the microbiome composition shifted in all patients across the study period. While the nature of the changes was largely patient specific, the predicted metabolic mode of the organisms increasing and decreasing in activity was consistent across patients. CONCLUSIONS This study emphasizes the impact of diet in CD. Each diet had a positive effect on symptoms and inflammatory burden; the more exclusionary diets were associated with a better resolution of inflammation.
Time-restricted eating effects on performance, immune function, and body composition in elite cyclists: a randomized controlled trial.
Moro, T, Tinsley, G, Longo, G, Grigoletto, D, Bianco, A, Ferraris, C, Guglielmetti, M, Veneto, A, Tagliabue, A, Marcolin, G, et al
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2020;17(1):65
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Adequate nutrition is important for elite athletes, as nutrient availability influences energy expenditure, body composition, performance and exercise-induced immune responses. Time-restricted eating (TRE) is a form of intermittent fasting that has received much interest in recent years. Previous research of TRE suggested beneficial effects on performance in untrained individuals, by allowing weight loss whilst maintaining muscle functions. These qualities are of interest for endurance cyclists hence the authors of this study sought to investigate the impact of TRE in elite cyclists. Sixteen under-23 year old, elite cyclists were randomly assigned to eat within a TRE window of 8-hr or 15hr window during a 4-week, high-level endurance training phase. Both groups consumed their full estimated energy needs and markers such as fat and fat-free mass, VO2 max, basal metabolism, blood counts, anabolic hormones and inflammatory markers were measured. As a result, TRE produced weight loss, improved body composition and increased peak power output in relation to body weight without compromising aerobic performance. Furthermore, the TRE pattern proved helpful in mitigating some of the exercise-induced suppressions of the immune system. The authors concluded that TRE could be considered as part of a performance nutrition plan in endurance athletes. Particularly where there is a need to reduce body fat mass or for the management of training-induced depression of the immune system and associated respiratory infection susceptibility. This can be of clinical relevance in the support of endurance athletes.
BACKGROUND Although there is substantial interest in intermittent fasting as a dietary approach in active individuals, information regarding its effects in elite endurance athletes is currently unavailable. The present parallel randomized trial investigated the effects of a particular intermittent fasting approach, called time-restricted eating (TRE), during 4 weeks of high-level endurance training. METHODS Sixteen elite under-23 cyclists were randomly assigned either to a TRE group or a control group (ND). The TRE group consumed 100% of its estimated daily energy needs in an 8-h time window (from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) whilst energy intake in the ND group was distributed in 3 meals consumed between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Fat and fat-free mass were estimated by bioelectrical impedance analysis and VO2max and basal metabolism by indirect gas analyzer. In addition, blood counts, anabolic hormones (i.e. free testosterone, IGF-1) and inflammatory markers (i.e. IL-6, TNF-α) were assessed. RESULTS TRE reduced body weight (- 2%; p = 0.04) and fat mass percentage (- 1.1%; p = 0.01) with no change in fat-free mass. Performance tests showed no significant differences between groups, however the peak power output/body weight ratio (PPO/BW) improved in TRE group due to weight loss (p = 0.02). Free testosterone and IGF-1 decreased significantly (p = 0.01 and p = 0.03 respectively) in TRE group. Leucocyte count decreased in ND group (p = 0.02) whilst the neutrophils-to-lymphocytes ratio (NLR) decreased significantly (p = 0.03) in TRE group. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that a TRE program with an 8-h feeding window elicits weight loss, improves body composition and increases PPO/BW in elite cyclists. TRE could also be beneficial for reducing inflammation and may have a protective effect on some components of the immune system. Overall, TRE could be considered as a component of a periodized nutrition plan in endurance athletes. TRIAL REGISTRATION This trial was retrospectively registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT04320784 on 25 March 2020.
The Effect of a Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement on Immune Function in Healthy Older Adults: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial.
Fantacone, ML, Lowry, MB, Uesugi, SL, Michels, AJ, Choi, J, Leonard, SW, Gombart, SK, Gombart, JS, Bobe, G, Gombart, AF
Nutrients. 2020;12(8)
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Vitamins and minerals are essential for a healthy immune system. The prevalence of vitamin and mineral deficiencies increases with age, and this may contribute to age-related decline of the immune system. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a daily multivitamin and mineral (MVM) supplement could improve the immune function of older people. 42 healthy adults aged between 55 and 75 took part in this single-centre, two-armed, parallel, randomised, double-blinded study. Half of the group was given a MVM supplement called Redoxon Vita Immune (VI) containing the vitamins A, D, E, C, B6, B12 and folate plus iron, copper, zinc and selenium daily for 12 weeks, whilst the other half was given placebo tablets for 12 weeks. Participants were instructed to avoid certain foods high in vitamins and minerals such as oily fish, red meat, liver, and citrus fruits during the study period. Blood and saliva samples were taken from all participants at the beginning and end of the study period, to measure vitamin and mineral status and markers of immune function. Participants also kept a diary to record any illnesses or symptoms. At the end of the study, participants given the MVM supplement had increased their blood levels of vitamin C by 126% and zinc by 43%. There was no significant change in blood levels of vitamin D. There was no significant difference in the potential of blood to kill the introduced bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, or in neutrophil activity, nor were there any significant changes in blood levels of cytokines and chemokines. Participants taking the supplement did however report a shorter length, and lower severity of illnesses compared to those taking the placebo. The authors concluded that their findings support further research to test whether MVM supplementation can improve immune outcomes in older adults.
Older adults are at increased risk for vitamin and mineral deficiencies that contribute to age-related immune system decline. Several lines of evidence suggest that taking a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement (MVM) could improve immune function in individuals 55 and older. To test this hypothesis, we provided healthy older adults with either an MVM supplement formulated to improve immune function (Redoxon® VI, Singapore) or an identical, inactive placebo control to take daily for 12 weeks. Prior to and after treatment, we measured (1) their blood mineral and vitamin status (i.e., vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D); (2) immune function (i.e., whole blood bacterial killing activity, neutrophil phagocytic activity, and reactive oxygen species production); (3) immune status (salivary IgA and plasma cytokine/chemokine levels); and (4) self-reported health status. MVM supplementation improved vitamin C and zinc status in blood and self-reported health-status without altering measures of immune function or status or vitamin D levels, suggesting that healthy older adults may benefit from MVM supplementation. Further development of functional assays and larger study populations should improve detection of specific changes in immune function after supplementation in healthy older adults. Clinical Trials Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov #NCT02876315.
Stratifying cellular metabolism during weight loss: an interplay of metabolism, metabolic flexibility and inflammation.
Tareen, SHK, Kutmon, M, de Kok, TM, Mariman, ECM, van Baak, MA, Evelo, CT, Adriaens, ME, Arts, ICW
Scientific reports. 2020;10(1):1651
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Obesity is a public health concern as it has been linked to cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. The aim of this study was to identify and analyse expression profiles of individuals clustered by cellular metabolism centring on metabolic flexibility. This study clustered gene expression samples from a weight loss study (Yoyo study’ - Clinical Trial ID: NCT01559415) into two clusters, based on 291 genes associated with cellular metabolic fexibility. The study covers two diets: a low-calorie diet (LCD) and a very low-calorie diet (VLCD). All the participants of the study were Caucasian with a BMI between 28kg/m2 and 35 kg/m2, aged between 32 and 67 years old. Findings showed that the majority of the individuals had their metabolism associated genes downregulated after weight loss and weight maintenance, but also had an upregulation of immune system associated genes. Furthermore, individuals who had changed their metabolic profiles in response to caloric restriction had a significant retention of lost weight compared to individuals which had not changed their cluster membership. Authors conclude that their findings indicate possible cross-talk between cellular metabolism and inflammation.
Obesity is a global epidemic, contributing significantly to chronic non-communicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic flexibility, the ability of organisms to switch between metabolic substrates, is found to be impaired in obesity, possibly contributing to the development of chronic illnesses. Several studies have shown the improvement of metabolic flexibility after weight loss. In this study, we have mapped the cellular metabolism of the adipose tissue from a weight loss study to stratify the cellular metabolic processes and metabolic flexibility during weight loss. We have found that for a majority of the individuals, cellular metabolism was downregulated during weight loss, with gene expression of all major cellular metabolic processes (such as glycolysis, fatty acid β-oxidation etc.) being lowered during weight loss and weight maintenance. Parallel to this, the gene expression of immune system related processes involving interferons and interleukins increased. Previously, studies have indicated both negative and positive effects of post-weight loss inflammation in the adipose tissue with regards to weight loss or obesity and its co-morbidities; however, mechanistic links need to be constructed in order to determine the effects further. Our study contributes towards this goal by mapping the changes in gene expression across the weight loss study and indicates possible cross-talk between cellular metabolism and inflammation.
Weight reduction improves immune system and inflammatory cytokines in obese asthmatic patients.
Al-Sharif, FM, Abd El-Kader, SM, Neamatallah, ZA, AlKhateeb, AM
African health sciences. 2020;20(2):897-902
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Asthma is a common condition characterised by attacks of obstruction, chronic inflammation and hyper-responsiveness of the airways. Obesity increases severity of asthmatic symptoms through mechanical, anatomical and/or inflammatory mechanisms. 80 adults with asthma were randomly allocated to a weight reduction programme, including aerobic exercise and a calorie reduced diet, or control group with no intervention. After 3 months, body mass index (BMI) reduced significantly in the intervention group (from 31.7 to 27.9). This was associated with significant reductions in the pro-inflammatory markers TNF-alpha, interleukin-6 and interleukin-8, and significant increases in CD4 and CD8 cell counts (important immune cells). There were no changes in the control group in any of the parameters and the results were statistically significantly better in the intervention compared to the control group. The authors conclude that weight reduction improved immunological and inflammatory markers in obese asthma patients.
BACKGROUND Activation of immunological and systemic inflammation markers are common in obesity and asthma. OBJECTIVE The target of this study was to assess impact of weight reduction on immunological and systemic inflammation markers in obese asthma patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS Eighty asthmatic patients of both sex; their age and body mass index (BMI) mean were 38.72 ± 7.14 year and 32.65 ± 3.18 Kg/m2 respectively. Exclusion criteria included smokers, infections, vaccinations, cancer, surgery, immune system disorders and medications that may influence immune system function as anti-inflammatory medications, analgesics and anti-depressant. All subjects were randomly enrolled in weight reduction group (group A) or control group (group B). RESULTS The main findings in the present study indicated that weight reducing program in group (A) was associated with significant reduction in the mean values of IL6, TNF-α, and IL8 in addition to significant increase in the mean values of CD4 and CD8 cell count . However, findings of group (B) showed no significant changes. Moreover, Comparison between both groups at the end of the study revealed significant differences. CONCLUSION Weight reduction improved immunological and systemic inflammation markers in obese asthma patients.
Hydrogen-rich water reduces inflammatory responses and prevents apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in healthy adults: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial.
Sim, M, Kim, CS, Shon, WJ, Lee, YK, Choi, EY, Shin, DM
Scientific reports. 2020;10(1):12130
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Oxidative stress indicates a state where excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) overwhelm the biological antioxidant capacity, leading to disruption of ROS homeostasis and cellular damage. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of hydrogen-rich water (HW) consumption in healthy adults through the extensive analyses of antioxidant capacity, peripheral blood mononuclear cell subsets and their transcriptome profile and to compare the effects of HW consumption with those of plain water (PW) consumption. This study is a 4-week, parallel-designed, randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial. The enrolled participants were randomly assigned to either the PW group (n=19) or the HW group (n=22). Results show that four-week consumption of HW induced a substantial increase in the antioxidant capacity and a decrease in oxidative stress of DNAs, although no significant results were found in the comparison of an intervention (HW) and the placebo (PW) group. Furthermore, the frequencies of apoptotic cells were significantly reduced by HW. Authors conclude that consumption of HW may promote biological antioxidant capacity for adults >30 years more than younger individuals.
The evidence for the beneficial effects of drinking hydrogen-water (HW) is rare. We aimed to investigate the effects of HW consumption on oxidative stress and immune functions in healthy adults using systemic approaches of biochemical, cellular, and molecular nutrition. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, healthy adults (20-59 y) consumed either 1.5 L/d of HW (n = 20) or plain water (PW, n = 18) for 4 weeks. The changes from baseline to the 4th week in serum biological antioxidant potential (BAP), derivatives of reactive oxygen, and 8-Oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine did not differ between groups; however, in those aged ≥ 30 y, BAP increased greater in the HW group than the PW group. Apoptosis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was significantly less in the HW group. Flow cytometry analysis of CD4+, CD8+, CD20+, CD14+ and CD11b+ cells showed that the frequency of CD14+ cells decreased in the HW group. RNA-sequencing analysis of PBMCs demonstrated that the transcriptomes of the HW group were clearly distinguished from those of the PW group. Most notably, transcriptional networks of inflammatory responses and NF-κB signaling were significantly down-regulated in the HW group. These finding suggest HW increases antioxidant capacity thereby reducing inflammatory responses in healthy adults.
A randomized, phase 1, placebo-controlled trial of APG-157 in oral cancer demonstrates systemic absorption and an inhibitory effect on cytokines and tumor-associated microbes.
Basak, SK, Bera, A, Yoon, AJ, Morselli, M, Jeong, C, Tosevska, A, Dong, TS, Eklund, M, Russ, E, Nasser, H, et al
Cancer. 2020;126(8):1668-1682
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APG-157 is a botanical drug containing multiple polyphenols that delivers the active components to oromucosal tissues near the tumour target. APG-157 slowly disintegrates in the oral cavity over 15 to 20 minutes to release the drug substance. The drug substance is a precise, rational combination of multiple molecules derived from Curcuma longa wherein curcumin is the principal component. The main aim of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics and safety of the orally delivered pastille (APG-157) when used by normal subjects and patients with cancer. This study is a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. A total of 32 subjects were enrolled, and 25 completed the study (13 normal individuals and 12 patients with oral cancer). Results demonstrated that transoral APG-157 treatment leads to systemic absorption of curcumin and its analogs. There was a statistically significant concentration reduction in inflammatory cytokines and Bacteroides species noted in the salivary cells. Pre-treatment and post-treatment tumour samples from patients with cancer demonstrated T-cell recruitment to the tumour microenvironment. Authors conclude that APG-157 is absorbed well, reduces inflammation, and attracts T-cells to the tumour thus, it can be potentially used in combination with immunotherapy drugs. Furthermore, a long-term evaluation of immune checkpoint blockade with and without APG-157 could provide a clear understanding of the usefulness of APG-157 as either an adjuvant or neoadjuvant therapeutic agent for patients with advanced or recurrent head and neck cancer.
BACKGROUND Although curcumin's effect on head and neck cancer has been studied in vitro and in vivo, to the authors' knowledge its efficacy is limited by poor systemic absorption from oral administration. APG-157 is a botanical drug containing multiple polyphenols, including curcumin, developed under the US Food and Drug Administration's Botanical Drug Development, that delivers the active components to oromucosal tissues near the tumor target. METHODS A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 1 clinical trial was conducted with APG-157 in 13 normal subjects and 12 patients with oral cancer. Two doses, 100 mg or 200 mg, were delivered transorally every hour for 3 hours. Blood and saliva were collected before and 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, and 24 hours after treatment. Electrocardiograms and blood tests did not demonstrate any toxicity. RESULTS Treatment with APG-157 resulted in circulating concentrations of curcumin and analogs peaking at 3 hours with reduced IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8 concentrations in the salivary supernatant fluid of patients with cancer. Salivary microbial flora analysis showed a reduction in Bacteroidetes species in cancer subjects. RNA and immunofluorescence analyses of tumor tissues of a subject demonstrated increased expression of genes associated with differentiation and T-cell recruitment to the tumor microenvironment. CONCLUSIONS The results of the current study suggested that APG-157 could serve as a therapeutic drug in combination with immunotherapy. LAY SUMMARY Curcumin has been shown to suppress tumor cells because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. However, its effectiveness has been limited by poor absorption when delivered orally. Subjects with oral cancer were given oral APG-157, a botanical drug containing multiple polyphenols, including curcumin. Curcumin was found in the blood and in tumor tissues. Inflammatory markers and Bacteroides species were found to be decreased in the saliva, and immune T cells were increased in the tumor tissue. APG-157 is absorbed well, reduces inflammation, and attracts T cells to the tumor, suggesting its potential use in combination with immunotherapy drugs.
The study evaluating the effect of probiotic supplementation on the mental status, inflammation, and intestinal barrier in major depressive disorder patients using gluten-free or gluten-containing diet (SANGUT study): a 12-week, randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical study protocol.
Karakula-Juchnowicz, H, Rog, J, Juchnowicz, D, Łoniewski, I, Skonieczna-Żydecka, K, Krukow, P, Futyma-Jedrzejewska, M, Kaczmarczyk, M
Nutrition journal. 2019;18(1):50
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Major depressive disorder (MDD) has historically been recognised as a brain disease, however more recently it is being recognised as a whole-body disorder. The immune system and the gut microbiota have been implicated in MDD with particular focus on the gut wall integrity and the resultant immune reaction and its influence on the brain. Gluten may incite an immune reaction in certain individuals and a gluten free diet may be of benefit to symptoms of depression in those who have gluten-related disorders. This randomised prospective control trial of 120 patients with MDD aims to determine the effect of a gluten free diet and probiotic supplementation in symptom management over 12 weeks. As this was a prospective study, no results were achieved. However, the study does indicate that randomised control trials on the effect of diet in MDD are advancing and there may be scientifically proven avenues to support standard therapies.
BACKGROUND Current treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) often does not achieve full remission of symptoms. Therefore, new forms of treatment and/or adjunct therapy are needed. Evidence has confirmed the modulation of the gut-brain-microbiota axis as a promising approach in MDD patients. The overall purpose of the SANGUT study-a 12-week, randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled Study Evaluating the Effect of Probiotic Supplementation on the Mental Status, Inflammation, and Intestinal Barrier in Major Depressive Disorder Patients Using Gluten-free or Gluten-containing Diet - is to determine the effect of interventions focused on the gut-brain-microbiota axis in a group of MDD patients. METHODS A total of 120 outpatients will be equally allocated into one of four groups: (1) probiotic supplementation+gluten-free diet group (PRO-GFD), (2) placebo supplementation+ gluten-free diet group (PLA-GFD), (3) probiotic supplementation+ gluten containing diet group (PRO-GD), and (4) placebo supplementation+gluten containing diet group (PLA-GD). PRO groups will receive a mixture of psychobiotics (Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175), and GFD groups will follow a gluten-free diet. The intervention will last 12 weeks. The primary outcome measure is change in wellbeing, whereas the secondary outcome measures include physiological parameters. DISCUSSION Microbiota and its metabolites have the potential to influence CNS function. Probiotics may restore the eubiosis within the gut while a gluten-free diet, via changes in the microbiota profile and modulation of intestinal permeability, may alter the activity of microbiota-gut-brain axis previously found to be associated with the pathophysiology of depression. It is also noteworthy that microbiota being able to digest gluten may play a role in formation of peptides with different immunogenic capacities. Thus, the combination of a gluten-free diet and probiotic supplementation may inhibit the immune-inflammatory cascade in MDD course and improve both psychiatric and gut barrier-associated traits. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT03877393 .
The effect of L-theanine supplementation on the immune system of athletes exposed to strenuous physical exercise.
Juszkiewicz, A, Glapa, A, Basta, P, Petriczko, E, Żołnowski, K, Machaliński, B, Trzeciak, J, Łuczkowska, K, Skarpańska-Stejnborn, A
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2019;16(1):7
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According to previous studies, strenuous exercise may contribute towards an imbalance in Th1/Th2 cytokines that are secreted by the immune system, resulting in an impairment of the immune system. The main aim of this study was to analyse the effect of L-theanine on cytokines of the immune system and establish the role of L-Theanine as immunomodulatory. This double blind randomised study recruited 20 men from the Polish rowing team. The subjects were randomised to the supplemented group and placebo group. The supplemented group received gelatine capsules with 150 mg L-theanine extract whilst the placebo group received visually identical capsules with corn starch. The participants in the study were asked to take two capsules per day for 6 weeks. Athletes from both the groups did not differ significantly in terms of their mean age, body height, body weight and years of training. After 24 hour recovery, the athletes in the supplemented group showed lower amount of cytotoxic cell. The authors concluded based on the study that supplementation with L- theanine in athletes exposed to strenuous exercise had beneficial effect.
BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to analyze the response of selected components of the immune system in rowers to maximal physical exercise, and to verify if this response could be modulated by supplementation with L-theanine. METHOD The double-blind study included 20 members of the Polish Rowing Team. The subjects were randomly assigned to the supplemented group (n = 10), receiving 150 mg of L-theanine extract for 6 weeks, or to the placebo group (n = 10). The participants performed a 2000-m test on a rowing ergometer at the beginning (1st examination) and at the end of the supplementation period (2nd examination). Blood samples were obtained from the antecubital vein before each exercise test, 1 min after completing the test, and after a 24-h recovery. Subpopulations of T regulatory lymphocytes (Tregs) (CD4+/CD25+/CD127-), cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTLs) (CD8+/TCRαβ+), natural killer (NK) cells (CD3-/CD16+/CD56+) and TCRδγ-positive (Tδγ) cells were determined by means of flow cytometry. The levels of interleukin 2 (IL-2), interleukin 4 (IL-4), interleukin 10 (IL-10), interferon gamma (INF-ɤ) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were determined with commercially available diagnostic kits. RESULTS Supplementation with L-theanine contributed to a significant post-exercise decrease in IL-10 concentration, which was reflected by higher values of IL-2 to IL-10 and IFN-γ to IL-10 ratios. Moreover, a significant post-recovery decrease in CTL count, Treg to NK and Treg to CTL ratios was observed in the supplemented group. CONCLUSION Despite the decrease in the number of some cytotoxic cells (CTLs) and an increase in the proportion of Tregs to CTLs, supplementation with LTE seems to exert a beneficial effect on a disrupted Th1/Th2 balance in elite athletes, as shown by the decrease in IL-10 concentration.
The effect of different sources of fish and camelina sativa oil on immune cell and adipose tissue mRNA expression in subjects with abnormal fasting glucose metabolism: a randomized controlled trial.
de Mello, VD, Dahlman, I, Lankinen, M, Kurl, S, Pitkänen, L, Laaksonen, DE, Schwab, US, Erkkilä, AT
Nutrition & diabetes. 2019;9(1):1
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Dietary fish oils, particularly omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in oily fish, nuts and seeds have long been researched and purported to have both anti-inflammatory and glucose-stabilising effects when consumed orally and it is widely believed that in reducing low-grade inflammation and stabilising blood glucose levels, the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes, heart disease or a stroke is reduced. Lean fish on the other hand has been far less researched with regards to its protective effects. This study was a randomised controlled study designed to assess and compare the protective effects of fish oils and Camelina Sativa oil (CSO - a seed oil containing alpha-linolenic acid) on inflammatory-related genes in subjects with suggestive pre-diabetes. Subjects were allocated to a randomised group and instructed to consume a given amount of either fatty fish, lean fish, camelina oil, or no fish/oil (control group). The study was carried out on 72 participants over a 12-week period. Although no significant change could be seen on inflammatory gene expression for the group consuming fatty fish, there was a modest decrease in inflammatory gene markers in the group consuming lean fish and a significant decrease in the group consuming CSO. Implications from this study suggest that CSO exerts its protective effect by reducing inflammation, therefore possibly decreasing the risk of strokes and cardiovascular episodes. The authors suggest that consuming a variety of fish, especially lean fish 4 times/ week could also play a protective role in cardiovascular health and type 2 diabetes.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES Molecular mechanisms linking fish and vegetable oil intakes to their healthy metabolic effects may involve attenuation of inflammation. Our primary aim was to examine in a randomized controlled setting whether diets enriched in fatty fish (FF), lean fish (LF) or ALA-rich camelina sativa oil (CSO) differ in their effects on the mRNA expression response of selected inflammation-related genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) in subjects with impaired fasting glucose. SUBJECTS/METHODS Samples from 72 participants randomized to one of the following 12-week intervention groups, FF (n = 19), LF (n = 19), CSO (n = 17) or a control group (n = 17), were available for the PBMC study. For SAT, 39 samples (n = 8, n = 10, n = 9, n = 12, respectively) were available. The mRNA expression was measured at baseline and 12 weeks by TaqMan® Low Density Array. RESULTS In PBMCs, LF decreased ICAM1 mRNA expression (P < 0.05), which was different (P = 0.06, Bonferroni correction) from the observed increase in the FF group (P < 0.05). Also, compared to the control group, LF decreased ICAM1 mRNA expression (P < 0.05). Moreover, the change in ICAM1 mRNA expression correlated positively with the intake of FF (P < 0.05) and negatively with the intake of LF (P < 0.05), independently of study group. A diet enriched in CSO, a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), decreased PBMC IFNG mRNA expression (P < 0.01). The intake of CSO in the CSO group, but not the increase in plasma ALA proportions, correlated inversely with the IFNG mRNA expression in PBMCs (P = 0.08). In SAT, when compared with the control group, the effect of FF on decreasing IL1RN mRNA expression was significant (P < 0.03). CONCLUSION We propose that CSO intake may partly exert its benefits through immuno-inflammatory molecular regulation in PBMCs, while modulation of ICAM1 expression, an endothelial/vascular-related gene, may be more dependent on the type of fish consumed.