Consumption of ultra-processed foods and health outcomes: a systematic review of epidemiological studies.
Chen, X, Zhang, Z, Yang, H, Qiu, P, Wang, H, Wang, F, Zhao, Q, Fang, J, Nie, J
Nutrition journal. 2020;19(1):86
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Unhealthy diets are recognized as a major determinant of the occurrence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The aim of this study was to summarize the evidence for the association between ultra-processed food (UPFs) consumption and health outcomes. This study is a systemic review of 20 published epidemiological studies (12 cohort and 8 cross-sectional studies), with a total of 334,114 participants and 10 diseases. Results indicate a positive association between UPFs consumption and risk of all-cause mortality, overall cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, overweight and obesity, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, overall cancer, postmenopausal breast cancer, gestational obesity, adolescent asthma and wheezing, and frailty. However, on the contrary, there was not an obvious association with cardiovascular disease mortality, prostate and colorectal cancer, gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational overweight. Authors conclude that their findings encouraged a decrease in UPFs consumption and an increase in the proportion of unprocessed or minimally processed foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
BACKGROUND Consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) plays a potential role in the development of obesity and other diet-related noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), but no studies have systematically focused on this. This study aimed to summarize the evidence for the association between UPFs consumption and health outcomes. METHODS A comprehensive search was conducted in PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science to identify all relevant studies. Epidemiological studies were included, and identified studies were evaluated for risk of bias.A narrative review of the synthesized findings was provided to assess the association between UPFs consumption and health outcomes. RESULTS 20 studies (12 cohort and 8 cross-sectional studies) were included in the analysis, with a total of 334,114 participants and 10 health outcomes. In a narrative review, high UPFs consumption was obviously associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality, overall cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, overweight and obesity, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, overall cancer, postmenopausal breast cancer, gestational obesity, adolescent asthma and wheezing, and frailty. It showed no significant association with cardiovascular disease mortality, prostate and colorectal cancers, gestational diabetes mellitus and gestational overweight. CONCLUSIONS This study indicated a positive association between UPFs consumption and risk of several health outcomes. Large-scale prospective designed studies are needed to confirm our findings.
Food processing and cardiometabolic risk factors: a systematic review.
Santos, FSD, Dias, MDS, Mintem, GC, Oliveira, IO, Gigante, DP
Revista de saude publica. 2020;54:70
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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) comprise the main cause of mortality in the world and approximately three quarters of deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. The aim of this study was to assess the association between food consumption according to processing and cardiometabolic factors in adults and/or the elderly. This study is a systematic review of eleven studies. Five studies (46%) had a sample size greater than 10,000 participants and the smallest sample identified evaluated 302 individuals. Results indicate that the consumption of UPF can have an unfavourable impact on the health of individuals, especially contributing to increase the body mass index. The cardiometabolic risk factors identified were overweight or obesity, arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome. Authors conclude that their findings may contribute to strengthening scientific evidence that underlies public policies related to the area of food and nutrition and the coping with cardiovascular diseases.
OBJECTIVE To systematically review the evidence for the association between food consumption according to processing and cardiometabolic factors in adults and/or the elderly. METHOD Two independent evaluators analyzed the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science and Lilacs until December 2018. We used the following terms: (convenience foods OR food processing OR highly-processed OR industrialized foods OR minimally-processed OR prepared foods OR processed foods OR ultra-processed OR ultraprocessed OR ultra processed OR unprocessed) AND (metabolic syndrome OR hypertension OR blood pressure OR diabetes mellitus OR glucose OR glycaemia OR insulin OR cholesterol OR triglycerides OR blood lipids OR overweight OR obesity) AND (adult OR adults OR adulthood OR aged OR elderly OR old). We assessed methodological and evidence qualities, and also extracted information for the qualitative synthesis from the selected studies. RESULTS Of the 6,423 studies identified after removing duplicates, eleven met the eligibility criteria. The main food classification we used was Nova. The consumption of ultra-processed foods was positively associated with overweight and obesity, high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. All articles included met more than 50% of the methodological quality criteria. The quality of evidence was considered moderate for the outcome overweight and obesity and weak for hypertension and metabolic syndrome. CONCLUSIONS The Nova food classification stands out in the area of nutritional epidemiology when assessing the effects of food processing on health outcomes. Although caution is required in the interpretation, the results indicated that the consumption of ultra-processed foods can have an unfavorable impact in the health of individuals.
Diet to Reduce the Metabolic Syndrome Associated with Menopause. The Logic for Olive Oil.
Hidalgo-Mora, JJ, Cortés-Sierra, L, García-Pérez, MÁ, Tarín, JJ, Cano, A
Nutrients. 2020;12(10)
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Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a group of risk factors that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The rates of MetS are increasing worldwide. Obesity, particularly central obesity is a major determinant of insulin resistance. It is believed that insulin resistance is the driver for MetS. This is a particular concern for women as central obesity is more likely to occur during the menopause, due in part to the hormonal changes. Physical activity and nutrition have been recommended as the first line of defence against MetS with the Mediterranean diet (MD) being one of the healthiest options. Olive oil (OO) is a main component of the MD and contains certain fats and polyphenols which impact inflammation, oxidative stress and support the gut microbiome. This review provides an overview of these benefits most relevant to menopause-associated MetS. A healthy lifestyle, with nutrition as a vital component, needs to be implemented as a primary measure. The healthy diet needs to be easy to follow and effective, two conditions successfully met by the MD. OO may prove especially helpful for women, particularly during this life stage. The clinical evidence, however, is limited by the observational nature of most studies.
The rates of metabolic syndrome are increasing in parallel with the increasing prevalence of obesity, primarily due to its concomitant insulin resistance. This is particularly concerning for women, as the years around menopause are accompanied by an increase in visceral obesity, a strong determinant of insulin resistance. A fall in estrogens and increase in the androgen/estrogen ratio is attributed a determining role in this process, which has been confirmed in other physiological models, such as polycystic ovary syndrome. A healthy lifestyle, with special emphasis on nutrition, has been recommended as a first-line strategy in consensuses and guidelines. A consistent body of evidence has accumulated suggesting that the Mediterranean diet, with olive oil as a vital component, has both health benefits and acceptable adherence. Herein, we provide an updated overview of current knowledge on the benefits of olive oil most relevant to menopause-associated metabolic syndrome, including an analysis of the components with the greatest health impact, their effect on basic mechanisms of disease, and the state of the art regarding their action on the main features of metabolic syndrome.
Association of Major Food Sources of Fructose-Containing Sugars With Incident Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Semnani-Azad, Z, Khan, TA, Blanco Mejia, S, de Souza, RJ, Leiter, LA, Kendall, CWC, Hanley, AJ, Sievenpiper, JL
JAMA network open. 2020;3(7):e209993
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Fructose is a type of sugar that has been implicated as a contributor to the development of metabolic syndrome (MetS), which is a condition where large waist circumference, high blood pressure and elevated blood lipid levels may all coexist. However, it remains unclear as to the role of fructose containing foods in the development of MetS. This systematic review and meta-analysis of 13 prospective cohort studies aimed to determine the association of several fructose containing foods and drinks with MetS. The results showed that sugary drinks containing fructose increased the risk of MetS, whereas no associations were found with mixed fruit juice, 100% fruit juice, honey, ice cream or confectionary. Interestingly fruit and yoghurt containing fructose decreased the risk of developing MetS. It was concluded that fructose containing food and drinks are not all equal in their biological effects. Sugary drinks increased the risk of developing MetS but yoghurt and fruit had a protective effect against development. Reasons for this could be due to a generally unhealthier lifestyle in those who consume sugary drinks or may be due to the increased protective effects associated with the vitamins and minerals in fruit and yoghurt. This study could be used by healthcare professionals to recommend a diet eliminating sugary drinks and containing regular fruit and yoghurt intake.
Importance: Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS). However, the role of other important food sources of fructose-containing sugars in the development of MetS remains unclear. Objective: To examine the association of major food sources of fructose-containing sugars with incident MetS. Data Sources: MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Library were searched from database inception to March 24, 2020, in addition to manual searches of reference lists from included studies using the following search terms: sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit drink, yogurt, metabolic syndrome, and prospective study. Study Selection: Inclusion criteria included prospective cohort studies of 1 year or longer that investigated the association of important food sources of fructose-containing sugars with incident MetS in participants free of MetS at the start of the study. Data Extraction and Synthesis: Study quality was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Extreme quantile risk estimates for each food source with MetS incidence were pooled using a random-effects meta-analysis. Interstudy heterogeneity was assessed (Cochran Q statistic) and quantified (I2 statistic). Dose-response analyses were performed using a 1-stage linear mixed-effects model. The certainty of the evidence was assessed using GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation). Results were reported according to the Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) reporting guidelines. Main Outcomes and Measures: Pooled risk ratio (RR) of incident MetS (pairwise and dose response). Results: Thirteen prospective cohort studies (49 591 participants [median age, 51 years; range, 6-90 years]; 14 205 with MetS) that assessed 8 fructose-containing foods and MetS were included. An adverse linear dose-response association for SSBs (RR for 355 mL/d, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.05-1.23) and an L-shaped protective dose-response association for yogurt (RR for 85 g/d, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.58-0.76) and fruit (RR for 80 g/d, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.78-0.86) was found. Fruit juices (mixed and 100%) had a U-shaped dose-response association with protection at moderate doses (mixed fruit juice: RR for 125 mL/d, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.42-0.79; 100% fruit juice: RR for 125 mL/d, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.61-0.97). Honey, ice cream, and confectionary had no association with MetS incidence. The certainty of the evidence was moderate for SSBs, yogurt, fruit, mixed fruit juice, and 100% fruit juice and very low for all other food sources. Conclusions and Relevance: The findings of this meta-analysis suggest that the adverse association of SSBs with MetS does not extend to other food sources of fructose-containing sugars, with a protective association for yogurt and fruit throughout the dose range and for 100% fruit juice and mixed fruit juices at moderate doses. Therefore, current policies and guidelines on the need to limit sources of free sugars may need to be reexamined.
Dissecting the interaction between COVID-19 and diabetes mellitus.
Chee, YJ, Tan, SK, Yeoh, E
Journal of diabetes investigation. 2020;11(5):1104-1114
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Several countries have reported higher death rates and more severe cases of covid-19 amongst individuals with chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. This review of 100 papers aimed to investigate the interconnecting factors which may contribute to poorer prognosis in individuals with covid-19 and type 2 diabetes. Although the evidence suggests that patients with type 2 diabetes have poorer outcomes after contracting covid-19, they are not more susceptible to infection. The paper reported that mechanisms which may increase severity in type 2 diabetics are abnormal immune function, increased susceptibility to inflammation, the increased adherence of the virus to target cells and reduced ability to fight infection. It is important to manage blood sugars when suffering from covid-19. The paper reviewed the use of several medications such as metformin, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP4), glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists and insulin in the context of individuals suffering from covid-19, with insulin being the treatment of choice in the acutely ill patient. Current treatments of covid-19 were also reviewed such as chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, Lopinavir-ritonavir, IL-6 receptor agonists, type 1 interferon and remdesivir. It was concluded that clinicians should be aware of the risks in patients with type 2 diabetes and covid-19. However as new data is made available, the chronic and long-term implications will become clearer. This study could be used by health care professionals to ensure that patients with type 2 diabetes do everything they can to avoid covid-19 infection and that if contracted these patients are closely monitored for severe disease.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global pandemic that is caused by a novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2. Data from several countries have shown higher morbidity and mortality among individuals with chronic metabolic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus. In this review, we explore the contributing factors for poorer prognosis in these individuals. As a significant proportion of patients with COVID-19 also have diabetes mellitus, this adds another layer of complexity to their management. We explore potential interactions between antidiabetic medications and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors with COVID-19. Suggested recommendations for the use of antidiabetic medications for COVID-19 patients with diabetes mellitus are provided. We also review pertinent clinical considerations in the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in COVID-19 patients. In addition, we aim to increase clinicians' awareness of the metabolic effects of promising drug therapies for COVID-19. Finally, we highlight the importance of timely vaccinations for patients with diabetes mellitus.
Enhancing immunity in viral infections, with special emphasis on COVID-19: A review.
Jayawardena, R, Sooriyaarachchi, P, Chourdakis, M, Jeewandara, C, Ranasinghe, P
Diabetes & metabolic syndrome. 2020;14(4):367-382
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A healthy immune system is one of the most important weapons in relation to the current pandemic of COVID-19 where no effective preventive and curative medicine is available. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the evidence on enhancing immunity in viral infections. This review focuses on influenza-like viral infections; however, other studies on viral infections have also been included. It included 43 articles of which 13 were on vitamins, 8 on minerals, 18 on nutraceuticals and 4 on probiotics. Results indicate that: - vitamin supplementation, especially vitamin D may be beneficial in people who are either deficient or insufficient. - adverse effects of vitamin E supplementation on the immune response have been reported. - there are several beneficial nutraceuticals, however their efficacy and safety depend on their ingredients, as well as various other factors including, methods of extraction. - in addition to basic hygienic practices, proper dietary and lifestyle behaviours are essential for prevention and treatment of respiratory viral diseases. Authors conclude that achieving recommended amounts of calories and micronutrient will be a challenge and elective micronutrient supplementations may be beneficial especially for vulnerable populations such as the elderly.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS Balanced nutrition which can help in maintaining immunity is essential for prevention and management of viral infections. While data regarding nutrition in coronavirus infection (COVID-19) are not available, in this review, we aimed to evaluate evidence from previous clinical trials that studied nutrition-based interventions for viral diseases (with special emphasis on respiratory infections), and summarise our observations. METHODS A systematic search strategy was employed using keywords to search the literature in 3 key medical databases: PubMed®, Web of Science® and SciVerse Scopus®. Studies were considered eligible if they were controlled trials in humans, measuring immunological parameters, on viral and respiratory infections. Clinical trials on vitamins, minerals, nutraceuticals and probiotics were included. RESULTS A total of 640 records were identified initially and 22 studies were included from other sources. After excluding duplicates and articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria, 43 studies were obtained (vitamins: 13; minerals: 8; nutraceuticals: 18 and probiotics: 4). Among vitamins, A and D showed a potential benefit, especially in deficient populations. Among trace elements, selenium and zinc have also shown favourable immune-modulatory effects in viral respiratory infections. Several nutraceuticals and probiotics may also have some role in enhancing immune functions. Micronutrients may be beneficial in nutritionally depleted elderly population. CONCLUSIONS We summaries possible benefits of some vitamins, trace elements, nutraceuticals and probiotics in viral infections. Nutrition principles based on these data could be useful in possible prevention and management of COVID-19.
How Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Progresses: The Natural History of ME/CFS.
Nacul, L, O'Boyle, S, Palla, L, Nacul, FE, Mudie, K, Kingdon, CC, Cliff, JM, Clark, TG, Dockrell, HM, Lacerda, EM
Frontiers in neurology. 2020;11:826
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A good understanding of the disease course is vital not only for the design of preventative and intervention studies, but also to assess the timing and type of intervention that minimizes disease risk or optimizes prognosis. The aim of this review was to explore the long-term course of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and how presentation and pathophysiological abnormalities may vary with time. Literature shows that it is unknown how the initial host response to a stressor or insult compares in individuals who do or do not develop typical symptoms of ME/CFS. However, the return to good health, following exposure to mild or moderate levels of insult, seems to be impeded in ME/CFS when symptoms persist for longer than 3–6 months. Authors sought to provide a simple framework, similar to those of other chronic diseases, in an effort to extend the temporal perception of ME/CFS and better incorporate the less defined pre-illness stages of the disease. In fact, they conclude that by applying this framework to ME/CFS research efforts could better elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms of the disease and identify potential therapeutic targets at distinct stages.
We propose a framework for understanding and interpreting the pathophysiology of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) that considers wider determinants of health and long-term temporal variation in pathophysiological features and disease phenotype throughout the natural history of the disease. As in other chronic diseases, ME/CFS evolves through different stages, from asymptomatic predisposition, progressing to a prodromal stage, and then to symptomatic disease. Disease incidence depends on genetic makeup and environment factors, the exposure to singular or repeated insults, and the nature of the host response. In people who develop ME/CFS, normal homeostatic processes in response to adverse insults may be replaced by aberrant responses leading to dysfunctional states. Thus, the predominantly neuro-immune manifestations, underlined by a hyper-metabolic state, that characterize early disease, may be followed by various processes leading to multi-systemic abnormalities and related symptoms. This abnormal state and the effects of a range of mediators such as products of oxidative and nitrosamine stress, may lead to progressive cell and metabolic dysfunction culminating in a hypometabolic state with low energy production. These processes do not seem to happen uniformly; although a spiraling of progressive inter-related and self-sustaining abnormalities may ensue, reversion to states of milder abnormalities is possible if the host is able to restate responses to improve homeostatic equilibrium. With time variation in disease presentation, no single ME/CFS case description, set of diagnostic criteria, or molecular feature is currently representative of all patients at different disease stages. While acknowledging its limitations due to the incomplete research evidence, we suggest the proposed framework may support future research design and health care interventions for people with ME/CFS.
Mediterranean Diet and its Benefits on Health and Mental Health: A Literature Review.
Ventriglio, A, Sancassiani, F, Contu, MP, Latorre, M, Di Slavatore, M, Fornaro, M, Bhugra, D
Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health : CP & EMH. 2020;16(Suppl-1):156-164
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Mediterranean Diet (MD) is currently considered one of the healthiest dietary models worldwide due to the high intake of antioxidants, dietary fibre, monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids, phytosterols and probiotics. The aim of this review was to present current literature showing evidence on the possible impact of MD on health and mental health. The review was based on 27 articles of which 13 were carried out in Spain, 3 in the USA, 3 in Italy, 4 in Australia and 4 in other EU countries. Literature shows that MD improves: - metabolic cardiovascular parameters with a reduced incidence of major cardiovascular events by approximately 30%. - metabolic balance in patients affected by type 2 diabetes mellitus. - biochemical markers for metabolic disorders as well as in patients at risk of specific cancer diseases. Additionally, not enough data is available on the MD effects on specific psychopathological issues. In fact, besides adherence to MD, other factors - which should be further investigated - also play a role in the effectiveness of the MD. Authors conclude that further studies are needed to address the efficacy of diet as an adjunctive treatment for mental disorders as well as for the management of comorbid cardiovascular and metabolic issues.
Mediterranean Diet (MD) is currently considered one of the most healthy dietary models worldwide. It is generally based on the daily intake of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish, white meats, and olive oil. It may also include moderate consumption of fermented dairy products, a low intake of red meat, and red/white wine during the main course. Even if the effect of MD on cancer prevention as well as on human metabolic and cardiovascular balance has been discussed, including the quality of life of the exposed population, the putative effects on mental health are still not properly investigated. This narrative review reports on some emerging pieces of evidence on the possible impact of MD on general health and the outcome of psychiatric disorders (e.g., major depression, anxiety) and encourages further studies to test the benefits of healthy food selection on the health of the general population.
Ultra-Processed Foods and Health Outcomes: A Narrative Review.
Elizabeth, L, Machado, P, Zinöcker, M, Baker, P, Lawrence, M
Nutrients. 2020;12(7)
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Ultra-processed food (UPF) is prevalent in diets world-wide. This review aims to look at the results of studies that have investigated associations between levels of UPF consumption and health outcomes on healthy participants. 43 studies were reviewed; studies covered all age groups (including children and adolescents) in a number of different countries. Studies looked at overweight, obesity and cardio-metabolic risks as outcomes as well as cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, mortality, gastrointestinal disorders, depression, frailty and asthma. In 37 studies, there was at least one statistically significant association between UPF exposure and at least one adverse health outcome. No study reported an association between UPF exposure and beneficial health outcomes. This review has shown that a high intake of UPFs is associated with a range of adverse health outcomes, disorders and conditions. This has the potential to significantly influence the global burden of disease. As well as this; evidence suggests a higher risk of all-cause mortality with high consumption of UPFs. No study reported an association between UPF and beneficial health outcomes. The review has also shown beneficial outcomes were associated with diets higher in unprocessed and minimally processed foods.
The nutrition literature and authoritative reports increasingly recognise the concept of ultra-processed foods (UPF), as a descriptor of unhealthy diets. UPFs are now prevalent in diets worldwide. This review aims to identify and appraise the studies on healthy participants that investigated associations between levels of UPF consumption and health outcomes. This involved a systematic search for extant literature; integration and interpretation of findings from diverse study types, populations, health outcomes and dietary assessments; and quality appraisal. Of 43 studies reviewed, 37 found dietary UPF exposure associated with at least one adverse health outcome. Among adults, these included overweight, obesity and cardio-metabolic risks; cancer, type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases; irritable bowel syndrome, depression and frailty conditions; and all-cause mortality. Among children and adolescents, these included cardio-metabolic risks and asthma. No study reported an association between UPF and beneficial health outcomes. Most findings were derived from observational studies and evidence of plausible biological mechanisms to increase confidence in the veracity of these observed associations is steadily evolving. There is now a considerable body of evidence supporting the use of UPFs as a scientific concept to assess the 'healthiness' of foods within the context of dietary patterns and to help inform the development of dietary guidelines and nutrition policy actions.
Recent Advances in Psoriasis Research; the Clue to Mysterious Relation to Gut Microbiome.
Komine, M
International journal of molecular sciences. 2020;21(7)
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Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease where the skin forms bumpy red patches covered with white scales. There is no cure, but medications have focused on supressing the immune response. There is a link between the gut microbiome and psoriasis but it is poorly understood. This review includes the current understanding of how psoriasis develops and discusses the recent findings to support further research in this area. The composition of the gut microbiome affects inflammation in the whole body. This inflammation is associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and other inflammatory disorders. Recent studies have linked cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome to an imbalance in the gut microbiome. Psoriasis is often found alongside these conditions with similar abnormalities in gut bacteria. An imbalance in gut microbiome could cause certain people to develop psoriasis. The role of the gut microbiome needs to be further clarified but mounting evidence for this gut/skin link means that other therapeutic options may be available for treatment in the future.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory cutaneous disease, characterized by activated plasmacytoid dendritic cells, myeloid dendritic cells, Th17 cells, and hyperproliferating keratinocytes. Recent studies revealed skin-resident cells have pivotal roles in developing psoriatic skin lesions. The balance in effector T cells and regulatory T cells is disturbed, leading Foxp3-positive regulatory T cells to produce proinflammatory IL-17. Not only acquired but also innate immunity is important in psoriasis pathogenesis, especially in triggering the disease. Group 3 innate lymphoid cell are considered one of IL-17-producing cells in psoriasis. Short chain fatty acids produced by gut microbiota stabilize expression of Foxp3 in regulatory T cells, thereby stabilizing their function. The composition of gut microbiota influences the systemic inflammatory status, and associations been shown with diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, psychomotor diseases, and other systemic inflammatory disorders. Psoriasis has been shown to frequently comorbid with diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, psychomotor disease and obesity, and recent report suggested the similar abnormality in gut microbiota as the above comorbid diseases. However, the precise mechanism and relation between psoriasis pathogenesis and gut microbiota needs further investigation. This review introduces the recent advances in psoriasis research and tries to provide clues to solve the mysterious relation of psoriasis and gut microbiota.