Fourteen steps to relevance: taking probiotics from the bench to the consumer.

Lawson Health Research Institute and Departments of Microbiology and Immunology and Surgery, Western University, London, ON, Canada.

Canadian journal of microbiology. 2020;(1):1-10
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Much is made of the need to translate scientific research into improved care of people or other life forms. Grant applications invariably start with the extent of a problem and end by claiming that their work will or could result in making an impact. In truth, very few projects ever lead to translation at the level of the host, nor was that really their intent. For those who are focused on applied science, there are many ways to reach the desired goal, sometimes through serendipity or by logical stepwise progress. The following paper will provide personal insight into the stages, pitfalls, and ultimate assessment of relevance in the context of using probiotic lactobacilli for human health and other applications.

Methodological quality

Publication Type : Review


MeSH terms : Lactobacillus