Impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with cystic fibrosis in Spain: Incidence and results of the national CF-COVID19-Spain survey.
Mondejar-Lopez, P, Quintana-Gallego, E, Giron-Moreno, RM, Cortell-Aznar, I, Ruiz de Valbuena-Maiz, M, Diab-Caceres, L, Prados-Sanchez, C, Alvarez-Fernandez, A, Garcia-Marcos, PW, PeƱalver-Mellado, C, et al
Respiratory medicine. 2020;:106062
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BACKGROUND Given the high incidence of confirmed infection by SARS-CoV-2 and mortality by COVID-19 in the Spanish population, its impact was analysed among persons with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) as a group at risk of a worse evolution. The possible causes of the incidence observed in them are explained and how CF Units have faced this health challenge is detailed. METHODS Retrospective descriptive observational study, for which a Spanish CF Patients with Confirmed COVID-19 Registry is created, requesting information on number of people affected between 8 March-16 May 2020 and their clinical-demographic characteristics from the CF Units participating in the European Cystic Fibrosis Society Patient Registry (ECFSPR). The accumulated incidence is calculated, compared with that of the general population. Additionally, a survey (CF-COVID19-Spain) is carried out on prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection, workings of CF Units and possible reasons for the incidence observed. RESULTS COVID-19 was diagnosed in eight CF patients, one of whom had received a lung transplant. The accumulated incidence was 32/10000 in CF patients and 49/10000 in the general population. General death rate was 5.85/10000 while no CF patients included in the ECFSPR died. The characteristics of those affected and the results of the survey are described. CONCLUSIONS Despite being considered a disease at high risk of severe COVID-19, the low incidence and mortality in CF patients in Spain contrasts with the figures for the general population. The possible factors that would explain such findings are discussed, with the help of the results of the CF-COVID19-Spain survey.